F i f t y ~ "N o t F a s t E n o u g h"

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I sat in the living room with everyone else while Ally and Mike talked in the kitchen. Their mumbles were heard, but weren't coherent enough to understand what was being said. I really hope this helps Ally.

After about an hour and a half of talking, they joined us in the living room. Ally sat on my lap, pulling the blanket that rested on the top of the couch over us. Ally moved to get comfortable, causing me to groan in frustration. My hands halted her movements, pulling her into me so she could feel what she caused. Ally responded by leaning into me and pulling the blanket all the way up to our necks.

"I love you!" I whispered as I slid my fingertips under the waistband of Ally's pants.

"Can you take me upstairs?" Ally asked. I picked her up bridal style as she hid her head in my chest. Once upstairs, I set her on the bed. Ally pulled me between her legs, hugging me with her head resting on my stomach. I hugged her back, holding her head in place. One of her arms fell from around me, and she began to palm me through my jeans. My head fell back as my mouth opened.

"I'm supposed to be the overly horny one here." I groaned.

"I'm horny, I can't help it." Ally said. "It's not my fault."

Ally began to unbutton my pants. She was going too slow for my liking.

All actions were halted as the bedroom door swung open. Ally and I both looked over to see my mother standing in the doorway.

"Ever heard of knocking?" I snapped, walking away from Ally and fixing my pants.

"I was told Ally was going to bed." Gail said slowly.

"Y'all can talk alone." Ally ran out of the room, clearly embarrassed. I pushed passed my mom to find Ally. She was in the kitchen, hugging Nneka.

"I'm sorry I barged in."

"Mom, go away!" I yelled. She walked into the living room with her head hung low. I turned to Ally.

"She's really embarrassed. Like she's crying." Nneka explained. "We all thought she was going to bed, I'm so sorry."

"It's alright." I chuckled. I pulled Ally away from Nneka. I wiped away her tears before pulling her into me. She hugged me tightly.

"Babe, it's not that big of a deal. It's not like she really saw anything." I explained. Ally didn't budge. I kissed Ally's head, hugging her tight. I brought her to the stairs that led to my man cave. We would be able to go upstairs without going through the living room this way. Once in the bedroom, I locked and closed all doors that someone could get into here by. Ally rubbed her face, pouting.

"That's so embarrassing!" she whined.

"Ally, we have a child together. She knows we have sex." I explained. Ally stuck out her tongue.

"It's still embarrassing."

"The doors are locked if you want to finish what you started." I smirked as Ally fell backwards. I walked over to the bed. She lifted her leg, telling me she wanted it off. I pulled her leggings off before removing her prosthetic. I gave her foot a kiss before lowering her legs.

"I love you!" I said, pulling Ally into a sitting position.

"Can we get a home gym?" she asked, ignoring me.

"If you say you love me." I smirked, kissing her.

"I love you, now can we get a home gym?"


I knew the answer, but I want her to explain it to me. I want her to own up to it.

"I don't like going to a public gym." she mumbled.

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