Killer of the Unicorn

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*Annabelle's P.O.V.*

    I looked up as the doors to the Council chambers opened, and Arthur walked in with two Knights and my brother, who was holding a ceremonial red pillow with golden thread on which laid a white, magnificent horn.
"Father." Arthur greeted as he walked forwards. "A unicorn's horn to grace the walls of Camelot." He said as he gestured to the horn on the pillow Merlin was holding.
"Magnificent." Uther smiled as he put down the papers he was looking over during the Council meeting, and walked closer to Merlin. "It's the first one I've seen." He said as he picked up the horn, still looking at it with a smile. My brother's expression however, was one of stone and pain, which made me furrow my eyebrows in worry and concern. What happened on that hunting trip? "Gaius. Look at this." Uther turned to the Court Physician, showing him the horn he was still holding in his hands. Gaius was also a part of the Council, being one of Uther's most trusted councilors and friends, which is the only reason for why I was present at the meeting as well, although I was hardly noticed as I quietly stood off to the side. Morgana decided to give me and Gwen the day off, being the kind and gracious woman that she is, so Gaius asked me if I could accompany him to the Council meeting, seeing as Merlin left for a hunting trip with Arthur and the Knights.
"It is very impressive, My Lord." Gaius remarked, though I could clearly hear that there was something he wasn't saying out loud. From the looks of it, Uther could tell that as well.
"What is it, Gaius?" He asked after releasing a small sigh. "Speak your mind."
"Unicorns are rare and mystical creatures." Gaius started after hesitating for a second. "There is a legend that says that bad fortune will come to anyone who slays one." He spoke as he brought his gaze on Arthur, who scoffed and chuckled, not believing a word.
"Nonsense." Uther waved Gaius off as well. "We will be the envy of every kingdom." He said, placing the horn back on the pillow Merlin was still holding, before clapping Arthur, who was smiling, on the shoulder.
"I'm pleased you like it." The Prince said, and I could hear the pride in his voice as he realized that he made his father proud. It seems that everything Arthur does is to prove himself and make Uther proud. Normally, it wouldn't be bad thing at all, except Uther is not the kind of man you should be striving to become like.
    As the King left the Council chambers, Merlin looked at me, letting me clearly see the worry in his eyes, before looking at Gaius as well, who held a solemn expression on his face.

*10 Minutes Later*

"I don't understand how Arthur could have taken any pleasure from killing a unicorn." Merlin said as he, Gaius, and I walked through the Square after leaving the Council chambers, seeing as the King decided to leave int he middle of it.
"Arthur's a hunter, Merlin." I sighed, and Gaius nodded. "It's in his blood. Whereas you're something entirely different." Merlin could never be a hunter. I mean, whenever we had to kill something or someone, he looked like a kicked puppy. Maybe for just a second, seeing as it was immediately replaced with the expression of relief and happiness that we saved Arthur and Camelot, but he could never be a hunter like Arthur.
"It was the most beautiful creature I have ever seen." My brother stopped walking, making me and Gaius stop as well and look at him, and there was a faraway look in his eyes. He was most definitely remembering the unicorn, and the look of amazement and awe on his face made me a little jealous that I wasn't there to see it for myself. "I wish you two had been there." Merlin said as he looked at me and Gaius.
"It's a real privilege." Gaius said. "Alas, there are very few unicorns still alive."
"You try telling that to Arthur." Merlin mumbled.
"I can imagine it would be difficult." I said as he headed to Arthur's chambers, while Gaius and I went to the Physician's quarters.

*The Next Day*

"Any idea what caused the crops to die?" I asked Gaius as he poured some kind of mixture into another one. Earlier today, Uther and Arthur rode out to a field outside and discovered that Camelot's entire grain crop has died. However, Merlin and Arthur rode through that area only yesterday as they were coming back from the hunting trip and the crops seemed perfectly healthy, which means that the crops all died over night. The King also gave the order to immediately start rationing the remaining food, which put everyone into worry.
"I'm here to complete all the tests." Gaius replied. "No disease I have heard of can spread through the entire kingdom in a single night."
"What could kill all the plants other than a disease?" Merlin asked, walking over to stand on Gaius's other side.
"Actually, it's not killing all the plants." I said, making Merlin look at me questioningly as I repeated what Gaius told me earlier in the morning as soon as Uther ordered to him to conduct tests in order to find out the reason for the sudden death of crops. "The trees and hedges around the crop fields are unharmed. Unfortunately, you can't eat trees and hedges."
"It's only killing plants we can eat." Merlin said quietly.
"It would appear so." Gaius murmured as he looked at one of his mixtures.
"If it's not a disease, it must be magic." My brother said quietly.
"We can't assume that, Merlin." Gaius said. "Perhaps there is something in the soil and water that's can explain it. I can't tell the King it's caused by sorcery until I'm completely certain."

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