Q & A

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Hello, everyone! I wanted to thank you all so much for all the votes, comments, and reads! Alright, so, as you all know, the next episode is the season finale, and I have big plans for that. However, I also decided to let you all ask me ANY questions you have. You can leave either public or private comments, and ask me any questions whatsoever. They can be about this story, they can be about my plans for the sequel, they can be about Annabelle, they can be about me (although I doubt you'd want to ask any of these). I will write all these questions down, and will answer them in author's notes in between chapters. You can ask these questions until this story is completed, which should give you the next three or four days to leave comments.
Like I said, you can ask ANY questions you have. I'm looking forward to answering them, so please leave comments! You can even ask for spoilers, and I will answer as much as I can! I hope this will be a pleasant experience, and I hope you enjoy this story!

AM I THE ONE? | ARTHUR PENDRAGON [1]Where stories live. Discover now