The Emails

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(A.N'S POV):



Minecon's 5 years anniversary. 6 months We will be away from eachother. 5 months for minecon and 1 month for pax. I'm afraid while I'm gone Luke might find another girl more perfect than me.

Or that Arzaylea girl Take Luke away from me.  This will be hard for me. 


It's about the tour. 6 months and we will be away from eachother. how about Ally and the others? ''hey Ally I need to talk to you'' I said as I go to her room. she looks so worried maybe because of the email.. ''what is it?" She asked as she turned her chair around to face me. 

''the boys and I will be on tour'' I said ''that's good. how long?" she asked ''6 months'' I said sadly.


  ''the boys and I will be on tour'' Luke said ''that's good. how long?" I asked trying to keep my smile ''6 months'' he said sadly. that's when my smile turned upside down. ''si-six Months?" I asked worriedly, ''I guess we will be having an Long distance relationship'' he said.

''Luke we will be having a longer distance relationship'' I said ''what?" he asked ''Minecon's 5 year anniversary. 5 months for minecon and 1 month for pax'' I said sadly. ''how are we going to do that?" Luke asked I shook my head in an I dont know signal.

''when are you going to leave?" he asked ''we still have 2 weeks for eachother then I guess goodbye'' I said ''we will leave next 2 weeks too. so We need to pack for that kind of stuffs'' He said ''I need to tell the girls'' I said and go downstairs.

''Girls I need to tell you something'' I said and they all go to the kitchen. ''just enjoy your 2 weeks with the boys'' I said like a mother explaining what's happening in their family. ''why?" Rinoa asked ''Minecon and Pax'' I said ''how long are we going to be away from them?" Carmela asked 

''girls I know this may be hard for us but we need to accept it.....'' I stopped ''so how long was it?" Ashley asked  ''6 months'' I said looking down ''why are we going to be away for that long?" they asked ''Mojang sent me an email earlier that the Minecon and Pax will be held in other countries for that long because it's minecon's 5 year anniversary'' I explained.

I saw Rinoa's eyes started to water because Calum and her sometimes fight about the little things and they only hang out in free time. ''come here'' I said to Rinoa and she hugged me and it slowly turned to a group hug. ''that's ok you still have 2 weeks'' I said and they looked at me shocked. ''two-two weeks'' They all said and I nodded slowly.

they all ran out of the kitchen leaving me alone. I looked out and saw then I saw them hugged their boyfriend. I felt bad about it because I put them in this kind of situation. 

I saw Luke had the same expression and We both go upstairs. ''so 1 hour long games?" I asked and he nodded. ''minecraft or growtopia?" I asked ''minecraft'' he said. we played for 1 hour and I lay down in my bed and he lay down on his own bed. he moved to my bed and he smiled and face me. ''hello'' I said smiling ''hey'' He said ''how did we end up here?" I asked ''maybe the starbucks is the reason why we met eachother'' He said ''maybe but hey thanks to our phone we met eachother'' I said and he nodded.

''Do you think we were meant for eachother?" He asked the question only our hearts can answer. ''I think.. I guess so'' I said looking at him. ''I think we were'' he said smiling ''you know I'm so Lucky to have a boyfriend like you'' I said 

''I'm so lucky to have a girlfriend Like you'' he said. I smiled and he smiled back. we just stare at eachothers eye in silence. ''so what now?" I asked. He just stayed silent and just kissed me. He pulled away and spoke. ''I have nothing on my mind right now'' He said. ''really you have nothing on your mind now'' I said smiling.

''do you have any tickles?" He asked ''no'' I denied ''sure?" he asked ''no i don't have any'' I said smiling. he tickle me and I ran downstairs. ''NOO'' I scream and ran around the house. ''gotcha'' he said and tickle me to death. ''I surrender'' I said laughing and stopped tickling me ''what was that for?" I asked ''enjoying my 2 week trial before I lose your adorable face'' He said and I smiled.

''Catch me if you can'' I said and ran around the house. 

I tripped by a garden hose and  got caught by Daddy ''hey watch where you are going kiddo next time ok'' he said ''ok daddy'' I said in a baby voice. I continued running and he caught me inside the living room. we played around until Calum screamed. 

''GUYS THIS ISN'T A PLAYGROUND!'' He yelled from kitchen. maybe he was doing something there.

13 days to go before I lose Luke

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