Calling Back To Australia

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I Called Bella in Australia.I will ask her how's her life back there.


Hi Bella

Hi Ally How's the Minecon?

pretty good and kinda losing someone

who is it?

You're awesome accent and you

aw sweet so how's Luke's birthday?

pretty much going well.. how's the house?

it is still there

you didn't burn it down right

no no I didn't I didn't lose anything and anystuffs.

ok I gotta go now talk to you later?

maybe tomorrow it's night here already

ok bye



''Hey Ally'' I heard Luke from behind. ''Hey there''I said ''when are you leaving?" he asked ''friday'' I said sadly. 


I fell asleep while talking to Calum. I'm pretty much dizzy but I tried to talk to him. ''it was pretty sad that I have to....'' I heard him stopped. 


  ''it was pretty sad that I have to....'' I stopped and looked at Rinoa who was sleeping peacefully. I decided to stay here so I can check on her. 


I saw Rinoa still sleeping. I check on her to see if she have a fever. and she had a fever. ''hey Ally Rinoa had a fever'' I said leaving the room. I go back and saw Rinoa wasn't there anymore. I saw her on the floor sleeping. ''how did she..'' I said 


I Rolled from the bed and fell on the floor but I have no energy to go back to bed and sleep again. I have a headache and I decided to sleep on the floor. I heard the door open and heard a voice. ''How did she..'' I heard Calum said ''I'm good'' I said while my face is on the floor. ''what are you doing there? you have a fever'' he said carrying me back to bed.

''I need to be up so I can get ready for Minecon later'' I said but he stopped me ''you're not going''He said ''but I have to...''he cut me off ''Ally said it I didn't invented it ask her'' He said and I go back to bed. ''tomorrow's tuesday right?" I heard Calum asked ''yeah why?" I asked

''nothing just asking'' he said and I felt sad. NO one remember's my birthday anyway why do I even asked that. 


OK she needs to be good tonight because I don't want her to celebrate her birthday with a sick. ''ok just don't do anything stupid just call me if you need anything'' I said and I kissed her forehead. ''thank you'' she said and I nodded and go to the main room. 

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