The Results And Bringing Back The Old Days

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''Hey Ally we're taking the results'' Luke said ''Can I come?'' I asked ''no'' Ashton said ''Can I come?" Calum asked ''no''Ashton said ''let's go'' Luke said and left us in the house. crazy did we know we can do stuffs while they didn't know.

I went upstairs and grab my notebook. I throw Calum my notebook and he read it. ''do you really want to do this?" he asked ''yeah first trash our next target. then mess with people.then disguise then.....'' I got cut off and he spoke ''wait are you waiting for let's go'' he said and I look at the door and he was holding everything we need.


They gave us the results and we scan it. ''I knew it'' Rinoa said. they are siblings! ''let's go'' I said and we go home and saw the house is locked. ''anyone got any keys?" I asked ''no'' they said and I realize I didn't have they extra key. ''Call Ally's phone'' Ashton said and Rinoa called it but I heard Ally's ringtone inside.

''call Cal's phone'' Mikey nodded and we heard his ringtone inside. ''ok we're stuck outside'' I said and we all waited for them.


''WOOOHOOOO!" I screamed as we skate through the park while someone's chasing us. IN HEELS! ''hey heel face catch'' I screamed and I threw her a rock at her feet. she faceplanted and we go back home laughing. while we are skating back home Calum spoke ''Nice throw'' he said 

''It's in my blood'' I said ''you think you can only do that?" he asked ''show me'' I challenged ''watch'' he said as he threw a crumpled paper to the trash can far from us. ''my turn'' I said as I look for the far trash can and threw the paper. ''SHOOT'' I said and we got back home.

''what are you doing here?" I asked the guys ''oh we are here because you locked the house'' Carmela said.

''ok wait one last throw'' Calum said and we threw our papers at our far trash can and we go to the door and unlock it. we go inside and they gave us the results. ''here''Luke said. I grab it but Calum got the other side 

''um it seems like I got it first'' I said ''I got it first'' he said and we started pulling the results and Ashton snatched the folder away from us ''what'' we whined ''I'll hold it and you read it'' he said and we pouted. we read the results and smiled. 

''YES!" We yell happily and Ashton rolled his eyes. ''but why?" I asked ''do you want to go to the old house?" he asked and I nodded. we go outside and we go to our old house. I went to my parents room and scanned the room for something. 

''hey read this'' he said passing me a paper. ''thanks'' I said and read the paper.

Dear Ally,

       Sweety if you're reading this. we might be gone now. But We are really sorry because we didn't told you that you have two brother, We gave the other one away to our friend because we cant take care four kids at the same time. you two are so happy together but we are really having a hard time taking care of you two.

so we gave him away and we tried our best for you to forget him. and they agreed that they will do the same. you locked yourself in a room for a month because of that. you two always play with your dog and play with our garden hose. you two are close to eachother while your other siblings are close to eachother. I'm sorry if we did that to you, but it's for you own good. 

Love your parents <3

I felt a tear slide down my cheek and hugged Calum. ''shhh it's okay'' he said and he hugged back. ''let's go home'' I said and we go home. I walking sitting on the grass while looking the other kids played on the other side of the road.

I felt cold water behind me and look behind and saw Calum holding a garden hose. ''what the?" I asked ''RUN'' he yell and he started to spray me some cold water. I run around and I ran behind him and grab the hose. he stared at me with mixed emotions.

''don't do this'' he said ''too late'' I said and sprayed water in his face and his hair ''NOT MY HAIR!'' he yell ''you did that to me.. payback'' I said smirking. he started to run around and go inside. I closed the garden hose and went inside.

when I reached the front door I looked around to see if there anything. none ok no traps. when I opened the door I felt cold water. I looked up and saw a bucket of water. ''you little'' I said and we played around the house for a couple of minutes

until Ashton spoke ''guys stop playing here this is not a playground'' he said and we both stop in our position. his position was about to pour me some water and my position was about to throw a whipped cream pie at his face.

''Ally I thought you don't like mess?" He asked ''if I don't like mess then Calum and I should be arguing right know'' I said and I throw the pie at his face and ran outside. I ran back in with Calum following me but we are stopped by Ashton holding our arms.

''hey stop it'' we both said ''go to your rooms'' he said ''fine daddy'' we both said and he let go of our arms ''race?" I asked ''su...'' Ashton cut Calum off ''no running'' he said and we sigh.

''WHY" We yell. we played games all night and stayed up late. I heard a knock on the door and I hide our gadgets and he jumped in his bed while I jumped on mine. ''who is it?" I asked in my best woke up voice ''are you sleeping?" I heard asked ''yes why?" I asked ''nothing just asking, night'' he said from the other side of the door.

we stood back up and played 'til 4:00 am. we sleep in 4:00 in the morning and we we're woke up by Rinoa yelling. ''WAKE UP'' She yell ''what time is it?"I asked ''7 am'' she replied ''5 minutes'' Calum said and we both sleep again.


''WAKE UP IT'S ALREADY BEEN 5 MINUTES'' She yell again ''10 minutes'' I said and we sleep again. after 10 minutes she didn't yell so we just sleep again. but we didn't heard  a scream but we felt cold water in our body. ''WHAT THE HELL?" We yell and we saw that we're on the inflatable pool.

''I told you to wake up" she said calmly ''ok ok'' we said and we changed our clothes.

I heard a knock on the door and looked at the peephole. I was shocked when I see who's behind the door.


(A.N'S POV):


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