Chapter 8

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Sherrie was in her room preparing herself to take what was needed to Alison's home, so that if her parents decided to make a trip home early they wouldn't be able to stop her from getting things ready for Erika's birthday. She loved her both of her parents yes, but there were times where she could not stand there incessant nagging and at how her mother would keep saying such horrible things about Erika, when her mother tried Sherrie would instantly change the topic about how her father was doing or something that would be far away from her friend.

Setting her bags down near the door Sherrie went and sat down near her vanity table, which also accommodated her jewelry also, and some perfumes that lined near the mirror, gifts from her parents, and people who wanted to get into Sherrie's good graces for when she took over the company. Something she'd rather not do. At times she felt like some kind of robot doing everything she was told.

But things changed when she and Erika became friends. Though Erika may never truly know just how grateful Sherrie was to her.

Sherrie then saw a wooden box on the near edge of her vanity and she sighed. "Really mother?" she said to herself. "Do you have to leave your jewelry box in my room when you head out for long periods of time?" she reached for it, only to bump it, causing it to fall and burst open. Jewelry scattered all across the floor, she looked at the floor then looked to her hand before making a face. These were the times where she was a complete and total klutz.

Many people found it hard to believe since in their eyes she was always seen as perfect to them. And she hated that, she wasn't some doll to be admired, a goddess to be adored by all, she was just her, just Sherrie Adams. And only a select few seemed to actually notice this.

Crouching down she set the jewelry box upright and began to place everything back that was until she came across something she never thought to see.

In the pile of all the tacky big jewels was a necklace, it was a clear stone, almost see-through that was no bigger than her thumb nail in the shape of a tear with silver twisting up to the top to hold it in place and a thin silver chain.

Her blue eyes went wide as she realized what this was, and it did not belong to her mother at all. She placed it into her jeans pocket and put everything else back, but also making sure nothing else was there that didn't belong to her mother.

Once she had everything else back she could hear sounds coming from the hallway, opening the door Sherrie saw her mother talking to Wendy about some large gala that would be taking place in the middle of summer.

Anger filled her as she gripped the box tightly in her hands before heading into the hallway towards the both of them. "Mother," she called to draw her attention. "How many times have I told you not to put your jewelry box in my room, surely the safe that you have in your bedroom would suffice?"

Her mother, Dana Adams, was an attractive woman who always thought highly of herself but always put on too much make up, her light brown hair was twisted into a braid and then woven into a bun, she wore a blue suite and a white blouse leaving the top three buttons open to reveal her slight cleavage and dark blue heel to complete the whole ensemble.

At times Sherrie wondering if they were even related, besides the hair and blue eyes there was really nothing similar between them, for starters her breasts were much bigger than her mother's which in a creepy sense, her mother always envied.

Dana laughed as she waved a dismissive hand. "But I always feel like it would be safer in your room."

I doubt that... "Well whatever the case, I need to talk to you in private and it can't wait, since I'm taking this back to your room I thought we could do it there."

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