Chapter 47

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Erika remained there sobbing, she had removed the pipe and used her abilities as best as she possibly could but Sherrie wasn't opening her eyes. The people that were there tried to get her too moved away from her friend but she fully refused.

She just hugged Sherrie as she cried.

Why!?Her mind screamed. Why did this have to happen? Why damn it why?

As she remained where she was Erika could over hear the survivors talking, something about things lurking in the water, coming towards them and a man who looked to be walking on water with white hair.

She froze, all crying stopped immediately, man with white hair and walking on water?

Adrian! Anger consumed her as a red haze returned to vision as she felt her eye teeth and nails growing sharper. This was his doing; he caused the wave which ultimately injured Sherrie in the process. She wouldn't forgive him; never forgive him for what he had done. I'll kill him! She thought in rage. I'll fucking kill him for this!

Gently Erika took Sherrie over to the few survivors, in which they then covered up her wound with cloths. "Stay with her, make sure she remains breathing." She instructed them before heading over to one of the windows that had been shattered. Her eyes now almost enveloped in red she looked down to the water. She could clearly see Deformed Ones in the water eating the bodies of those who died from the impact of the wave, those that survived were torn apart by the creature's jaws. The more she watched the more her anger increased, it was like downtown Tokyo, and that park all over again.

She could feel her hair slowly turning white, but she refused for her mermaid self to take control, not this time. This time she would be in control of her movements and use her mermaid abilities to destroy everything that man had caused.

"Hey!" one of the men called out her when she went closer to the edge. "Don't get any closer it's dangerous there!" he grasped her shoulder but then froze when her head snapped in his direction, hair white, eyes red, she stared at him saying nothing as the man then slowly let go of her shoulder and stepped back, shock and fear lacing his features.

The man had good intentions but she didn't need that now.

Falling forwards Erika dropped down towards the water, but instead of falling into it, she landed on the surface, water rose around her from the impact before disappearing, she rose from her crouch slowly as the Deformed One's appeared at the surface of the water with their bulging eyes. She took a slow deep breath and let it out the same way before opening her eyes, as a large burst of her energy caused the nearby walls to form cracks and water shook from the vibrations as a metal rod fell towards her. Erika caught it before it even landed in her skull, bringing it out at her side like an extension of her arm, the deadly sharp point gleaming in the bright sunlight.

Her eyes moved, silently counting how many there were in total, there were ten of them, that is unless she wanted to count Adrian among them then it would be eleven.

That was fine she could work with that. With what she was feeling now she was almost willing to merge with her mermaid persona, but she was just too angry to give a damn. She just wanted the bastard to pay for what he had done.

Erika said nothing as she looked at what lay ahead of her to her goal, to the man whose skull she wanted to bash in before shredding his body until there would be nothing but blood remained.

Other people that were alive began to stare at her shouts of wonder and of fear that she may be killed by those monsters, she wouldn't fall to creatures like them.

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