Chapter 51

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"What?" Yuki said sounding completely baffled. "Why would you want to stop her from helping you? If what you just said is true and your daughter really is there with that monster then doesn't that give us more of a reason to stop him before he does something?"

"It's more complicated than that Yuki." Karin said while keeping her eyes on Allen's wife. "There are certain rules in which can and cannot be done with any type of mythical creatures. In this case being, mermaids can invoke the right in fighting to keep their virtue safe from others." Her eyes narrowed. "In other words you have no intention of letting me go forward without a fight."

"Exactly." She stated in a calm tone. "There is much I wish I could change, but this is one thing I can't interfere with, even if I did Erika would not want me too. The man has caused her a great deal of pain and as such she wants to end him with all she has. Even if we were to offer her help she would merely tell us to not interfere with the fight."

"You can't know that for certain, she may actually want help you know. When I met her last she was shaken and scared not the type willing to fight."

"Much has changed since then; I have sensed her changes, her anger, her rage, her sadness and regret in what has passed thus far."

Karin scoffed at that. "And what exactly has happened so traumatically that she would be like as you described?" yet even as she said that she could catch that she herself had witnessed a number of things that in a short time could change a person in a drastic way.

"A friend of her's, Sherrie Adams, I believe you know her father Gregory Adams, Allen's friend. Sherrie became critically injured during when the wave hit, because of this Erika blamed herself but also the man who caused the wave, the same man that you have been looking into since he has killed so many humans."

Karin said nothing in response, from that Yara continued.

"She feels that it's her responsibility to deal with what this man has done, you should understand since you yourself have dealt with it beforehand."

She glared at Yara. "Yeah I bet you have, but even if what you say about your daughter is true I can't just sit on my ass and do nothing. So ether you move or I will make you."

"You are welcome to try." Yara said calmly. "But know that if you do I will fight you head on, even if Allen wouldn't want me too."

"You're talking as if he were alive."

"That's because he is." Karin became mute; all voice of what she wanted to say was unable to come out of her throat. "It turns out I gave him my flesh after eating him, I didn't realize it at first, but once I had I took him to a place where he would be safe and no one would find him. Not even you Shadow Walkers."

Karin glared at her before shaking her head and then started to laugh, full on laughter.

"Um Karin-san...?" Yuki asked with a concerned voice. "Are you okay...?"

"I'm fine." Karin said as her laughter tuned down. "I'm perfectly alright Yuki. It's just what she said, and you know what? I don't really care if Allen is alive or not, what any kind of relationship was there with him in the past does not concern now. So what if I'm a Shadow Walker, it doesn't mean crap to me, I'm only doing this to fulfill my own wish nothing more. And if it means I have to beat you to a pulp to get that son of a bitch that caused all of this then I will."

"So you intend to fight me then?" Yara stated, not as a question but as to what Karin intended to do.

"I do."

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