Chapter 42

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"I can't see any damaging internal injuries or that of external." Doctor Leroy Murdock, Mathis Murdock's son and the man who looked after Erika when she was in the hospital. "If my father was here he'd have a better understanding of what happened. I am still having a bit of difficulty to grasp the whole reality of folklore in this." He looked to Erika, who was still in her semi mermaid form. "Even though I knew who she really was it's still just a bit hard to believe."

Gregory looked to Erika and the woman that was speaking to her, asking her to find her child and husband. "You may see more as time goes by, believe me, I had to deal with a swarm of vampires when I was in college."

"Now that's got to suck." He said before Gregory shook his head with a slight smile. "But what now? Aren't the police going to ask where she went?"

"It'll be overlapped with other things by the time this is over." He looked to Erika who, was still talking to the mother, but now grasping the spot of where she had been stabbed.

Leaving the woman's side she came over to the two men. "From what I've gathered she had eaten something that to her felt off, next thing she knew her husband fell over, like he had a heart attack while Timothy did nothing. She remembers being thrown by something the back of her skull slammed into the wall and she thought her stomach was ripped open by a blade of some kind before she blacked out."

"There were no signs of that though, so how would that be possible?"

"Simple." She showed them her arm. "When Erika was attacked she had been stabbed in her arm, the assailant took a chunk of her flesh that was used on the parents as a test."

"You're saying the kid did this?" Gregory said sounding very mortified. "Why?"

"When a person wants to become immortal, you'd be surprised what lengths that person would go through to get it. Timothy is no exception."

"So what are you going to do about it?"

"Stop him, but first I have to find him." She walked past the two men. "Please keep Mrs. Smithson here; hopefully I'll be back with her son and husband." If they are still alive that is... she thought. Then headed for Alison and Sherrie, in which Alison instantly hugged her tightly.

"Thank god you're okay!" and pulled back realizing that it wasn't Erika. "Oh... sorry, I thought you were Erika."

"It's fine." She said. "I'm sure Erika is grateful for it, she's been through a lot you have no idea how lucky she is to have you both. But she still needs to remain a sleep for a bit longer, she's strong in her own right, but everyone has a limit, human or otherwise. You two know that because of what Erika had to deal with so far, and you haven't run away from her because of it. You probably have no idea how rare it is in this day and age. When people see something they don't understand, they run, so why haven't ether of you?"

"Because her family treats us like we're a part of her family, she's someone we idolize whether she realizes it or not." Sherrie said. "All we ask is that she stays alive, so please don't get her killed."

"I have no intention of letting that happen, if she die's I die too." there was a quiet moment and she continued. "I have to go find Tim, and when I do he has to be dealt with, Sherrie talk to your father, see if maybe he knows anyone to get in contact with the Society of Shadows, they'll know what to do with Mrs. Smithson and her son, if he's still alive." Then turned to leave but looked back at them. "I'll be back soon."

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