Chapter 25

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Erika looked out of the window of the rented car that Takashi got; the windows were open, allowing the late afternoon breeze through the car, while Alison and Takashi talked about the certain parts of Kyoto. They had left early in the morning to catch an early two hour flight then followed by a train and then a car, which would bring them closer to their destination. Though Alison and Erika were able to pass the time trying to figure out what the signs meant, most of which they would be completely off base when the picture meant one thing, but the kanji said another.

Though one thing on the train, okay two things, it was uncomfortable when sitting for long periods of time and the other would be the elderly constantly staring at Alison's hair and eyes and very pale skin. Erika noticed this first and Alison looked at her then the elderly woman before looking to Takashi and asking. "Do I look strange?"

"What do you mean?"

"Those elderly women over there keep staring at me to intensely. It's kind of uncomfortable you know?"

"I don't think he dose Alison." Erika said. "Besides, it's not just you they're staring at it's me as well. You and I have the same kind of skin tone, we're both extremely pale. But that's to be expected since we live in a cold country, even if the summers are really hot, though we can't even tan only burn. Though I think it mainly has to do with your hair."

"It's not like I asked to be born with red hair." Alison glanced to the three elderly women before looking back to Erika. "To be fair though, there are girls that tan daily. But I think it's rather unhealthy doing that."

Erika shrugged. "Everyone has a choice in how they want to look; I mean very rich people are a good example. How much do they spend on plastic surgery and implants?"

"I don't know, a quarter million?"

Erika covered her mouth from laughing out loud, before they had boarded the train Takashi, who was now sitting across from them reading the newspaper, told them about a bit about taking the train in Japan, that they couldn't be too loud since some would find it very rude. "That much? No way, you really think people would spend that much to change their bodies?"

Alison then realized something. "Ah... maybe we shouldn't say such things, since Sherrie is well rich after all."

"Oh yeah though Sherrie isn't the type to care about money or looks. But Sherrie really is pretty isn't she?"

"Yeah she is, and I'm envious of you and her." she said with a sigh.

Erika frowned at her. "Why?"

"You both have grate figures while I'm a twig; you at least have a good chest size while I almost have nothing."

Erika shook her head at her friend before hugging her. "Alison, your fine just the way you are, you're creative and always interested in new things, and the stories you write are so inventive, I get jealous of your imagination sometimes you know? So don't think about changing yourself just because people say you should look or act a certain way just to gain people's expectations. You're fine the way you are. Even if I'm the one going under crazy stuff, stay as you are okay?"

Alison hugged her back. "Sure!"

Erika pushed her bangs out of her face as she continued to look out the car window, watching the scenery go by as she recalled the talk that they had on the train, it felt like it had been such a long time since the two of them talked like that. It was nice doing that, she felt like she was almost normal again.

Before all this insanity happened, but it made her wonder, if she were to reach the end of this nightmare what would be there waiting on the other side? Would it be her mother, or perhaps that other woman, the one that was controlling those monsters?

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