Chapter 32

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It had been over a year since Yara had moved with Allen, and into their own home, and over the course of those months a lot had happened for them. Heading back to Canada, Allen informing his parents that he intended to marry Yara, Yara meeting his long time friend Gregory and his wife Dana who hated Yara for just being pretty. Or at least from what Yara could tell, although she had to admit, she never really liked Dana to begin with, Gregory on the other hand, was a bit like Allen, but she never felt the same attraction like she did with Allen.

The only issues that Yara had to contend with was Allen's mother, and she thought otherworldly females that became mothers were protective, the woman had a mean viper-like tongue. Yara actually began to worry for her own safety, but after some time Yara realised that Allen's mother had only wanted to be sure that nothing would happen to her son after the first horrible incident with the vampire woman years ago.

Which legitimately was very reasonable, in Yara's standpoint that is, the woman that Allen had once dated, Yara thought to herself about it, if the woman was still alive she'd rip her dammed head off for doing such a thing. But since that had been done by none other than Karin Slayed then she'd just had to make do with the fact that she had healed Allen's scares.

She did have to learn to deal with many things involving how humans and technology, but technology was more confusing than anything else, humans she could deal with, computers just made her completely lost.

This is what you get for deciding to not go on land for a number of years Yara, everything changes before you realize it. She thought with a sigh while sitting in the office building while waiting for Allen talking with not only his editor but a possible publisher that looked rather unfriendly. She glanced at her wrist watch, watching the small hands ticking, the meeting would be over soon and then she would walk to work.

She wanted to support her husband in any way possible, that included a job, and thankfully with Gregory's help making fake papers, which was something else Yara found difficult to understand, she was now a fully realized Canadian citizen. Not to mention that she'd be modeling for a small magazine company too, she hated cameras but ended up with a job like that, funny how the world worked.

The door opened and Allen stormed out looking rather mad with his editor following him, in sad attempts at making him feel better.

"Allen I'm sure he didn't mean those things!"

"Like hell he didn't!" Allen growled as Yara quickly pulled him to a stop.

"Allen." She said calmly. "Relax why don't you tell me on the way to the studio okay?" this seemed to remove some of the anger that showed, he nodded. "Alright then, Mr. Riley I'll take it from here okay?"

It took several attempts but in the studio Allen was finally calmed enough to speak. "The man said he wouldn't publish my work."

She looked at him slightly puzzled, he was so mad over something so small like that? Allen had dealt with rejection before she had seen it, it really wasn't anything new, but there seemed to be something else with it. "Was that all?"

"No, he then suddenly changed topics to you, saying that if he could spend the night with you he'd change his mind about publishing my work." his anger became renewed as he slammed the side of his fist into the make table. "What the hell? He knew that I was married to you but said it like I'd hand you over like some cheap watch or something!" he ran both of his hands through his hair and let out a tried breath. "I have the mind to punch him for it."

Yara moved away from chair and hugged her husband. "Allen it's okay I'm used to this, and you know that I have no intention of doing such a thing. I love you, and only you. I want to be with you for as long as I can. People like them can get tossed in the river for all I care."

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