Chapter 12

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A.N: Hey guys, so this isn't the end of the story, for those who are new to reading this, there are at least over 50 chapters for this book. And I'm re-posting it because I know very well that there will be those who cannot afford buying the book. (Which you can get via amazon) But also because I know so very well all the faults that this has (spelling and grammar) when I had the book published I could not afford the editor, it wasn't in my budget to do so.  So yeah there's that, on the other hand my next published story called Rowena Roman (which you can read the beta version on here) is being edited so there won't be any mistakes!

Anyway, I may not be able to post these chapters a lot, but I will keep putting the chapters for this story up. And I hope that you'll all be patient with me and that you'll enjoy the works that I will keep bringing forth for you guys!



"You said you wouldn't push her!" Sherrie harped at the two detectives.

"It's not like we were expecting her to do that..." Sam muttered which Sherrie heard clearly.

"Then tell me what did you expect?" the woman didn't make eye contact with Sherrie as she glared with rage. "You thought she was the killer didn't you? You at least looked into her family history before making that assumption right?" when the woman said nothing again it spoke volumes to Sherrie at what this woman thought of her friend. "I should have you fired for how you acted; it wouldn't be that hard to do it ether!"

"Sherrie stop," Alison said softly, pulling her away from the other woman, which Sherrie had few choice words for her right now. "Even if you are right and they did think Erika was involved that doesn't mean that they wanted for her to end up the way she is right now."

"She vomited blood Alison!"

Her grey eyes became downcast. "I know Sherrie, but yelling won't make anything better."

"It makes me feel better." She looked back to the female detective. "You really are a rookie, next time look into her history before doing something like that..." she turned a headed back to Erika's room where both her grandparents remained watching her intently, her grandmother holding Erika's hand tightly, not even bothering to look up at whoever entered.

Alison looked to the other detective. "I hope that you'll find the person who did this, but next time please don't act so rashly, I know you really want to find the person who did this, just remember how it can affect the people around it." With a slight nod of her head Alison turned and headed back into the room.

When all were back inside the room Nathan hit Sam on the back of the head. "That's for not listening to me." he said as he turned to leave. "I told you not to show her the photos, and what do you do? You show it to her anyway! Do you have any idea what that could do to a person her age?"

"You don't need to tell me that..." she said softly. "I already know I screwed up."

"When?" he demanded, trying his best not to shout, but his temper was wearing thin. "When did it accrue to you that you shouldn't have done it, when she rushed to the bathroom? When she fainted? Or when her friends decided to rip you a new one? Which is it?"

Sam didn't make eye contact with him. "When I saw her expression... when she was looking at the photos, I never thought someone could become so afraid of just one thing... she looked tariffed by it! Like it was some kind of monster, I didn't look at her file like I should have but that girl must have gone through something very traumatic..."

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