Chapter 40

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"Who the hell?" Sam muttered before looking at Nathan. "Who the hell is this?"

"Like I said she's the girl that did this! She's the one who killed those men!"

Nathan couldn't find the words in him to say what he wanted, she looked like Erika, sort of, but the way she moved and looked at them said otherwise.

"You are wrong." The girl that looked like Erika spoke in an emotionless voice. "I had just arrived here, I have done nothing."

"She's lying!" Marina yelled. "She killed them I know it was her!"

"Calm down kid." Sam said to her softly. "Now are you absolutely sure she's the girl that you saw?"

"Yes!" She cried. "It's her why don't you believe me?"

I would but it's hard to believe when there's no blood on her or her cloths. Sam thought before looking back at the white haired girl. Not to mention she looks really familiar...

The girl's red eyes narrowed when seeing Marina but still remained silent; she then looked at the place seeing the carnage and death surrounding the park, kneeling down slightly near one of the bodies.

"What do you think you're doing?" Nathan asked, not in an authoritative manor but true wonder. "Why are you here? Shouldn't you still be in Japan right now?"

She glanced at the detective. "I could say the same thing about someone else that's here." She indicated with a shift of her head. "That girl Marina, she was originally in Japan. You might want to ask her why she's here instead of questioning if I murdered someone."

He stiffened at her words, but then wondered if what she said was true about the other girl. Slowly he moved away and headed towards Sam and Marina. "Can I ask you something?"

"Shouldn't you be arresting her?" she demanded her shaking not as prominent as before.

"I can't really arrest her for just being here, even if you do say that she did this. There's no evidence on her body or cloths to say that she did."

She didn't look happy about that, her eyes looked to the white haired girl and glared. "You're a monster you know that? You're a freak that kills because you feel like it, just admit it already, you kill these men."

She remained quiet.

"Well? Say something already, quit lollygagging about and speak up!"

Then she stared at Marian, red eyes staring at her intently. "I've heard that somewhere before..." she said softly. "That kind of word isn't really used much anymore is it?"

"What of it?"

"Nothing, but I will ask something of you Marina, why are you here? Why are you here in Canada when you should be in Japan?"

Japan? Sam frowned, before looking back from the white haired girl and Marina. "You're from Japan?"

"I was just visiting." Marina said quickly. "My boyfriend and I do that from time to time, we travel to different places that we've never been too, Canada's no different."

"Is that so?" the white haired girl said softly. "If I remember correctly, you and your boyfriend were permanent residences in that country."

"And how would you know that!" she demanded.

The girl sighed while placing one hand on her hip. "Really, you don't see it? Look carefully, who do you know that I resemble? It's not that hard really, just one good look and you'll know right away."

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