For my Readers

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So as you guys know I took down almost all but six chapters of Mermaid (well I by accidently deleted chapter 6 when I was going for seven and like a knob I deleted the wrong one like a moron so I had to repost it my bad) I know it sucks and to tell you the truth I cringed each time I had to remove a chapter, I don't like shortchanging you guys with my writing. But the company I'm with told me if I want this book to do well I have to take down most of the chapters. 

So I hope you're not too mad, if you are I totally understand, believe me I do. I'm one of those people who wants to read a good book to the end and a clifhanger always becomes my own enemy from letting me know what happens. Which is kind of ironic concidering I have so many cliffhangers in my chapters XD but anyway I do hope you guys will continue to support me and my writings for my many works (both on going and new) to come!! =3

I love you guys a bunch XD


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