Chapter 55

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Takashi ran towards the spot where Erika had taken Alison, it was an area that would be difficult for people to get too, but he needed to get there to make sure that Alison was okay. They had known each other for a short time sure, but hell he loved her like crazy, it was the first time that he felt that way towards someone, and from what he could tell, though it was only a guess on his part. That it was the same for Alison as well.

He loved how she talked about her stories and how imaginative, descriptive and animated she would become when tell him the plot of something that she was currently working on, he liked how her grey eyes shined brightly when becoming so engrossed in literature and other stories, during the times when it was just them, he had found himself restraining the urge to do something that he normally would never do.

But when they had first kissed and when he admitted that he loved her he didn't think that she would respond the same way, mainly because of the short time they were together. And yet when she did he found his control in doing more than a kiss crumbling, and when she was in that kimono he was grasping straws of his control until she asked him to help her.

That last remaining bit of control had been lost when he saw her struggling with the kimono, his intention was to help her become unstuck and then leave as fast as he could so he could cool his head, but he found himself unable to leave. And before he knew it he was making love to her constantly.

When Alison told him about how her parents treated her he wanted to help her, and when she came back saying that she wanted to live here in Japan he wanted to be the one that she could rely on. He never liked it when parents would abuse their child, even here in Japan he never liked it, but had no choice but to tolerate it; many parents in the world could be overly cruel to their children, children that they are supposed to love, not hurt.

Be alright Alison, please be alright! Takashi thought with minor dread as he continued to run to where both girls were as the man who was now laughing insanely kept throwing large ice at a rock formation that they hid behind.

"How long do you plan to keep hiding like a coward?" Adrian demanded. "Show yourself Erika! Show yourself before I wipe Okinawa off the face of the earth! You know I can woman, and you know I will! Get. Out. Here. NOW!!!" Adrian emphasized with creating wave after wave hitting the rock formation again and again.

The merman was finally snapping, as if he no longer cared who saw, but then he proved that when he flooded that area of British Columbia. Sociopathic bastard... Takashi thought, but then paused, after all what was going on, where in the world was the military, shouldn't they have showed up by now to capture and or kill Adrian by now?

But if they had those men probably would have taken Erika as well and do god knows what to her in the process, he knew if that happened Alison would want to go on a rampage of vengeance until Erika would be back with her safe and sound.

Still, not having any military presence at all was a bit jarring to feel. Perhaps there was someone holding the military back so nothing like that would happen, but who would have that much power to do such a thing?

Takashi then slowed down when he felt like he was being watched, turning he saw a beautiful Japanese woman watching him while a Nagita was resting on her shoulder and a katana holstered at her hip.

Who is she? He thought slightly confused, seeing a woman like that was an oddity, even here in Japan where he's heard from any foreigners that they thought it was normal, which is wasn't, depending on where you lived.

"So you're Suzu-chan's son." The unknown woman stated from where she sat. "All in all, that girl has done pretty well for herself."

Takashi's frown deepened. "Suzu, you mean my mother Suzuki, how do you know her just who are you?"

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