Chapter 34

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Erika gasped as she tried to catch her breath; she had collapsed on the cave floor her eyes wide with shock. She had just seen memories of both of her parents. Her mother was sitting with her hands in her lap just a few feet away, when Yara saw that she was awake she asked. "How do you feel?"

She just stared at her mother for a very long moment allowing what she had just seen to sink in. "You..." she began. "You really didn't want to leave us did you? You wanted to stay but couldn't... you left so you could protect me."


"And that's also why you killed and ate Dad..."


"So if you didn't lose the necklace..."

"I would not have to have done any of that, yes." Yara said cutting Erika off before lowering her head in shame. "I understand if you hate me for what I've done."

Again Erika merely stared at her mother from where she lay, she noticed that her mother's hands were shaking, even more so, she still had on the engagement and wedding rings showing that even then she was still devoted to her beloved husband.

"You still wear your wedding ring?"

Yara's head jerked up, dark blue eyes wide with surprise as tears continued to stream down her beautiful face. "Yes, I do... But I take them off if I have to go in the water. Salt water isn't too kind to gold over time."

Erika sat up slowly but then flinched as she placed her hand along the back of her head. She felt like someone had given her a very hard smack across the back of her head. "Ouch."

"Are you okay?" Yara moved closer, now looking rather panicked. "Is it you're head? It's your head isn't it! I'm so sorry! I wanted to go slow with sharing those memories but I guess it went overboard."

"No it's... its fine. I'm the one who should apologize, for saying such things to you before."

Yara shook her head. "You have every right to be angry at me; after all you thought I was dead for seven long years. The same goes for..." she stopped then shook her head. "No never mind. But now that you know, what I am, and why I had to leave you, do you have any questions you wanted to ask me?"

Erika tilted her head back thinking about that it, before she knew what she wanted to ask, but know she was drawing a complete blank. But then she thought of one. "You shared your memories with me, how?"

"It's because of the blood we share, a strong blood connection means that there are some things we can share with each other, like memories and thoughts, but that also means there are some things that cannot be done."

Erika frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Hypothetically speaking, say if before I met your father, and I mean long before, if I had another child, and that child turned out to be a son..."

"Did you?" she asked cutting her off. "Did you have another kid besides me?"

Yara blushed and shook her head quickly. "No! No! No! I haven't, even with all the years I have been alive I would remember if I had another child besides you Erika." She cleared her throat. "Now as I was saying, if I was to have a son, and say you two would meet, not knowing you both were blood related and you both wanted to have a child together, it wouldn't be possible."

"Because we're both mermaids... ah I mean, merman and mermaid?"

She shook her head again. "No, if your father had any siblings that had children that you wound up together wanting a child the same thing would happen. Any type of blood relation and the attempt to have a child become null and void. It can't happen. If you sleep with someone who is blood related to you, having a baby becomes impossible."

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