Chapter 16

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"It's been so long since I've been in a plane." Alison said as she put her backpack next to Erika's in the compartment above.

"You must be happy that your parents had you get a passport last year."

"Yes and no, I mainly saw it as my way of escaping when needed."

"Escape to where?"

Alison merely shrugged. "I don't know, the Bahamas'? Or somewhere else really warm."

Erika frowned. "Why there of all places?" when she shrugged again Erika added. "Is it because they'd never suspect you of heading there?"

"Actually they never expect me to run anywhere, so the fact that I'm going to Japan pretty much shocked them."

"Speaking of which, what exactly did Sherrie say to your parents last evening?" Erika asked as they settled down in their seats in the plane.

Alison gave a nervous laugh. "Ah well..."

"Your daughter is going to Japan with Erika Lawrence; I hope there are no objections to this." Sherrie said in an ordering manner when the two of them had only gotten through the front door of Alison's home.

"Japan?" Alison's mother repeated in shock. "Why would our daughter go with someone like her? That girl is nothing but..."

"Ma'am," Sherrie cut her off. "Need I remind you that this will not only help your daughter in getting involved in another culture, but this is Japan, a country that prides itself on studying and doing well for their country. And if your daughter is exposed to a culture like that do you not think that it would help her? That it would motivate her into doing what it is you pride yourselves on?" she then smiled. "This is why I'm sending her there, but also it's because I cannot go and she's doing this as a favor for me. You don't mind do you?"

Erika covered her mouth, trying her hardest not to laugh out loud so as to not bother the other people on the plane. "And they let you?"

Alison sighed, sitting down next to Erika in her seat. "I was surprised too, but they hope that I'll become motivated in being a teacher, they completely forgot the fact that I'm going with you entirely. I glad I can go; I just don't like the fact that they have their own agenda in this."

When Erika finally stopped, she rested a hand on Alison's shoulder. "Try not to worry about that, at least not for now. So let's just try to enjoy the plane ride okay?"

When the plane was getting ready to take off, the pilot spoke in English, French and then in Japanese before the flight attendants showed the exits and everything else that went along with that to do and what not to do while in the plane.

When the plane took off Erika looked outside the window watching the many clouds that looked all white and fluffy like you could land in big soft cottony heap of it before falling asleep. Erika then pulled out her mother's necklace that was hidden underneath her white T-shirt, the blue tint was there, which seemed to shin dimly in the plane.

"Would you two like anything to eat or drink?" one of the female flight attendants asked with a kind smile.

"Do you want to get anything to drink Erika?" Alison asked drawing Erika's attention from the window. "They have pop and other stuff."

"I'll just take a coke," she said before yawning slightly.

"If you'd like Miss, there's a cabin for you and your friend to sleep in since there's a long flight ahead."

Cabin? "Sorry, what?"

"The flight ticket you have allows you to sleep in a cabin during part of the flight."

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