Mermaid Being Published!!

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Hey all you Mermaid lovers and readers I've got some major news for you all!!

My book Mermaid is in fact being published, so if you at all have the desier to buy it you will soon! :) just recently I had resived my Author's Copy of the book in the mail to look over, there are still some major mistakes (some which I had fixed a bit at the begining) but I wasn't able to get all of them, I couldn't aford and editor plus this is my first time doing this so I'm still learning the ropes.

Anyway, the reason as to why I am doing this is that when the book is published and out in stores both in actual print form and online and EBook, I will have to take the majority of the chapters down. I know it sucks and I don't want too because I love reading all of your comments and what you think of the chapters but I have too and I am super, super sorry about that! But fear not for I am not doing it right away, I will leave the story as it is until the book is fully out in print (meaning when I get the notification) and when I do I will make another page about where you can buy the book if you want, and heck I will leave a "Your Thoughts" page on here so all of you who read the book ether on here or the published version can let me know what you think of the story and yes it can be a place with spoilers galor! (I'll leave a warning on there too just to be safe Ha!) so I hope that too will keep you all interested.

Over time I will have the book re-published with it's errors fixed (and edited by an editor!)  so it will be more enjoyable to read, I'm curently looking over the copy that was sent and already seeing my own dumb mistakes. Eh, life is like that and I'll get better as I go along.

Also in case any of you are wondering the company I'm with wants more of my works, be it the sequal to Mermaid Angel or something else entierly which makes me so, so happy to hear!

So that's all I have to say, the book should be up here till the middle of August, when the book's out in stores I have to take down every chapter up until 5 or 6, probably 6 haven't decided on that yet but you'll know when I do.

That's it now, thank you guys so very much for all of your support and I hope you'll continue to enjoy reading my works as time gose on. =3


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