Chapter 53

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Erika's hands grappled with Adrian's, the water underneath their feet moved out from the impact, and yet they remained grappling, she would let go one of her hands from his to try and punch him in the face only to have him simply doge and send her up into the air with his free hand. only to bring her down and kick her in the side, Erika gasped as she was sent flying, skipping along the ocean's surface like a stone before turning her body so she could land without going in, using her abilities to slow herself down so she wouldn't be too far from him.

Using the water she turned what was underneath her into ice, she shot out her arms causing the ice shards to come out in bursts from the water towards Adrian, and in turn Adrian moved, jumping and dodging the shards of ice, with movements, and even mid-air back flips all the while taunting Erika.

"Oh come now, is this the best you got? Back in Vancouver Canada you showed more promise than this! Maybe you haven't had your daily dose of food yet." He landed in a crouch, looking up at her with a dark smile as his red eyes glowed red. "And if that's the case then I can help you get what you need, after all..." he indicated to the beach where people were now off the sands and watching from an observation concrete deck. "There's plenty over there."

"I told you to leave them alone!" she created a tower of water which went straight for Adrian, he was unable to escape the water that was more like that of a typhoon then a mere pillar of liquid. Then turned it, throwing the man several yards away from the populace, but as Adrian was sent flying he created a large wave in return sending it straight to the people of Okinawa.

Quickly Erika created another island of ice and used it to surf along the water's surface, making the water that she could control move her quickly so she could reach land before the wave. Leaping off the island of ice, Erika skidded on land, sand and blood from the Deformed Ones flying in the air around her.

Raising her arms up she pushed, as if she was pushing against an invisible wall that was in front of her. Erika gritted her teeth, the sand underneath her feet began to shift causing Erika to be pushed bending backwards but the force of the wave was too great for her.

I can't hold it much longer! She thought before her eyes went to that of Alison's, who looked on in frightened worry. No! Erika forced herself to push harder against the wave, which was now frozen in place, as if time had stopped.

Sweat beaded on her forehead as she continued to push.

"Erika..." Alison gripped the bar rightly as she watched the frozen wave that was until she noticed something in the crowd of people. It was a woman with silver white hair and an extremely familiar white dress.

Yara Lawrence.

She stood there watching, before turning to look at Alison and with a slight smile she raised her index finger to her lips as her deep blue eyes changed to red. Then raised her own hand and moved it forward, like swatting a fly.

And the wave was pushed back towards Adrian at full speed, swallowing him up and taking him far away from the beach.

Alison couldn't believe what she had just seen; Yara was helping, in a small way, but still helping. When Alison looked back to where Yara stood only to see that she was now gone. Why was Yara here? She never expected to see her, let alone helping her daughter.

But with a small hand from Yara the wave was pushed backwards, Erika gasped placing her hands on her knee's to catch her breath as if she was running a hundred miles.

"I can do this..." she said to herself. "I have to do this." She raised her head, her breathing shallow and hard as her blood red eyes watched the wave disappeared and Adrian, now soaking wet came back stand top of the water's surface with a look of distaste.

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