Chapter 30

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Yara glared from the bright light that was shining down on her face, she lifted her hand up towards her face in an attempt to shield her eyes from the brightness. It wasn't the sun that was for sure, last thing remembered was using the tides and creating a large storm to escape from a deluded merman who became too obsessed with her and ended up beaching herself on the rocks of a beach. She heard the sound of something, scribbling?

It took her a moment to articulate what the sound actually was, she had been in the water for so long so much has changed since she came to the surface, only this time it was not by her own choice. She realized what that sound actually was, someone was writing something; turning her head towards the sound she saw the back of a young man. Instantly she got up recalling what happened, but then she looked down at herself. She has on a large light grey shirt that covered most of her body. She frowned at this, the human was a man, yet he had done nothing to her, why? Any other man human or otherwise tried to have their way with her and failed horribly, but with her in such a state of weakness it would have been the prefect opportunity, but he did not.

The man turned with a look of shock. "Hey what do you think you're doing?" he said as he moved to her side when Yara tried to shove the covers off while he placed them back over her. "You're still recovering. We originally intended to get you to a hospital but with this storm it won't be..."

"No!" Yara snapped making the young man jump slightly at her harsh tone, again this was a strange thing for her to see, she relaxed slightly and remained underneath the covers. "No hospitals. I am fine." She then began to look around, eyes darting about from place to place. "Where am I?"

"You're at an inn, it's called Tsukigyo." He frowned slightly. "You've been out for a few days, are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital?"

Tsukigyo that's Japanese then I'm somewhere in Japan... "I'm sure." She glanced away from his gaze before going further underneath the covers. "I'm going back to sleep." The man looked down at the woman, and said nothing in return; he merely went back to his desk and continued with his work.

Three hours had passed and still the man did nothing to her, she wasn't really asleep, she never needed much of it. But this man was strange, was something so wrong with him that he had no interest in attacking her. That thought stunned her it would have been a definite first.

Quietly, Yara got out of bed and slowly made her way over to the man, he didn't even seem to notice her as he continued writing. Peering over his shoulder she looked at what he was concentrating so intently on. She remained there, reading over his shoulder as he continued to write, she had never seen someone so intently working on a piece of paper with all of their concentration before, another interesting thing about this man. After thirty minutes of reading over his shoulder Yara finally asked. "What are you working on?"

"Ah!" he gasped seeing how close Yara was to him. It took a moment for him to calm down and respond. "It's... it's my research, I'm doing research on one of the folklore here in Japan."

"Which one?"

"Angels, there's some legends about angles here and... hey!" he snapped when Yara took a few pages and scanned them over. "I'm not finished writing it yet."

"Most of its wrong," she said with a deadpan tone. "Though not all of it, you did pretty well, but angels aren't as kind as you've written or what the person originally wrote where you gathered your info. Most of these encounters are completely by chance or they angered a certain being. Angels are much more arrogant then what's here, not all are but most of them think too highly of themselves. Among other beings that is..."

He looked at her slightly baffled by her words as he took back his research from her. "You talk as if you've met one."

"I haven't but I know someone who has. But it was a long time ago." She stared at him and leaned forward getting in his personal space. "What's your name?"

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