Chapter 41

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"Tim sweetie," Tim's mother called up to his room from the first floor. "Could you help me with dinner?" but there was no answer. "Tim? Timothy? Can you hear me honey?"

Timothy sat on his bed in his room, with only the orange light of his desk lamp giving some kind of visibility in the darkness. His hands clenched tightly and he continued to hug his knees. Erika was still alive.

It was only a few days ago that the new broadcasted about it, saying that some unknown attacker had tried to attack her with a knife before throwing her off the cliff. What terrible liars the people on the news were. They all pretended that it was some kind of stalker and that must have meant that Erika hadn't told anyone who did it.

At least not yet, he had no idea when Erika would tell someone what he had done. He should have felt happy that she wasn't going to tell anyone, but instead it was the opposite, it was like she wasn't even acknowledging his existence. And for some reason that made him extremely angry that she would just write him off like that. Getting off his bed he walked over to his desk, opened the left drawer and using a pen he opened the secret compartment, a false bottom that he had made in his spare time while his folks weren't home. There he looked down to a small black box, a black box that held Erika's flesh. He wanted to test it, but had no chance to, and because of his lack of chances he feared that the flesh had begun to decompose, yet he smelled nothing rotting, in fact he thought he was blood oozing from the box.

But that had to be impossible; he had placed absorbent paper towels underneath it so if it did in fact bleed out the paper would have absorbed the blood.

Yet when he removed the lid, Tim found himself staggering back, his eyes wide in shock, unsure if what he saw was real, slowly he looked back into the box and saw the same thing again, it wasn't an illusion.

The piece of flesh that he stabbed off of Erika was still bleeding.

Such a thing should have been impossible, but it was, the flesh continued to bleed, the super absorbent paper towels that he had placed underneath it, soaked up the blood like a sponge and was now a dark mass of red, barely retaining any signs of what it used to be.

The odor of blood was pungent in the air, making any other smell from before become no longer noticeable; copper with the slight stench of blood decaying was all that was there. it was almost over powering.

What's more, the flesh itself hadn't shrivelled up like it normally would have after a long period of time; it looked like it was still alive. And if he were to leave it as it was for about a year he believed that it still would have remained the same.

In the information that he found, there had been nothing to suggest that Mermaid's flesh could remain as it was for long periods of time, was it because people feared mermaids so much or that when those dared to eat it ate it instantly in fear that it would go bad and it's supposed immortality would vanish.

Hesitantly he reached out and touched the flesh with two fingers before immediately pulling back in shock. It couldn't be something like this was impossible!

Timothy's eyes went wide in shock. It's pulsing like its still alive! He thought in horror, but then the feeling of fear passed and was replaced with something else. Utter joy. This is amazing! He thought as a smile came across his face. In all the research that I've done I never anticipated this! Talk about amazing! Erika, this makes me so happy to have met you!

"Tim!" his mother called once more. "Can you hear me up there?"

He snapped out of his bliss, and annoyance began to creep in. "Yes!" he barked. "I can, just give me a minute!" when he heard no response in return he then quickly took a number of blank pieces of paper and placed the flesh in it before carefully rapping it up and then grabbing a red hoodie sweater putting it on and placing the wrapped up flesh in the large front pocket. This way his parents wouldn't notice anything, but then they never seemed to notice anything when it came to him anyway.

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