Chapter 31

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Yara leaned against a nearby tree before letting out a deep breath; she should just leave this place. But where could she go? The water was out of the question, at least not the ocean, he was still in there searching for her, and even though he had a woman that he would constantly have sex with. Men, she could never understand them, no, that wasn't true, and she did to a point. The males that she had encountered before were only after her body seeking there lusting desires to force on to her, but then there was Allen Lawrence.

He never showed the inclination to do anything to her, well, maybe shove her out of the room so he could continue his work that he went over so passionately about. And there was also his kindness, he looked after her while she remained out cold that was something that even today's population rarely seemed to do.

She didn't want to leave him alone, not even for a moment, how foolish was that?

"I said stop!"

Yara jerked from her thoughts of Allen when she heard a man's voice. Looking behind the tree she saw the same man from before now bound to bamboo with multiple women clawing at his cloths.

"It's for your own good Mikazuki-sama; you kept avoiding our advances so now we must do this. You can't blame us."

"Yes." Another agreed. "You're so handsome and yet you show no interest in sleeping with anyone, even my mother was interested in you. You never age; you'll always remain like this. We just want you to give us something so we can move on."

He glared at them, eyes like pricing fire. "This is a vial act that you all intend to do. You know that you'll not only be punished but banished as well."

They all laughed lightly before one of them spoke. "So what if we are? At least then all of us will have you out of our system."

Yara was stunned; she had heard that in some cases of one becoming immortal the mermaid's essence would remain on the skin of the human, sometimes driving anyone of opposite sex mad with lust. It didn't happen often but when it did it was never good. It also didn't help that the man was very good looking.

"What do you think you're doing?" Yara demanded as she strode over to them with a narrowed gaze. "It's extremely late shouldn't you all be asleep? And why is he tied up?"

One of the women looked extremely shocked but then quickly covered it up with a smile, she had circles underneath her eyes and looked as if she had neither slept or ate properly in days, and it was the same with all of them. "We're just playing a game!" she said.

"Yes a game!"

"That's right it's only a game!"

Yara eyed them. "A game?" she then looked to the young man before back at them. "He doesn't seem like he wants to play your game."

"That's because I don't." he said bitterly.

"See so why not let him go?" when none of the women seemed interested Yara cleared her throat. "Alright then if it's going to be like that then..." her dark blue eyes changed to a deep dark red, the color of blood as her nails grew sharp like knives. "Why don't you play with me?"

All of the women looked terrified before backing off and running away yelling out demon and monster while Yara just blew a raspberry at them for being so chicken. "Well that solves things doesn't it?" she said as she went to untie the ropes that were against the young man's wrists and ankles. "Hopefully they won't come after you anymore."

He just stared at her rubbing the raw skin, he had fought continually until the skin was bleeding, but soon it healed. She merely arched a brow at him when he made no attempts to run away. "So? You're not going to do anything? A word of thanks I'm told usually goes a long way in this day and age."

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