Chapter 52

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The motorcycle was a two-seater with a detachable sidecar Takashi, who though didn't have a driver's licence for one, was at the front, Alison sitting behind him with her arms wrapped around his waist and Erika sitting in the sidecar, sensing Adrian's presents as they reached closer and closer to Moon Beach. The sun was now rising, people were already awake heading out to their jobs, morning walks with the dog or just chatting with the next door neighbor, no one knew what was about to happen.

Erika wished she could warn these good people about it, but she knew that they would ether ignore her, think she was crazy, or on the off chance that they did listen, they'd panic and call for help from the police, or worse, the military.

That was the one true thing Erika did not need, for all she knew the military, which in its fair right, was an extremely paranoid, shoot first, kill second, ask questions never, when dealing with something could not be explained by science would be extremely bad.

By the time they reached Moon Beach the sun had risen pretty high, Erika could only guess that it was nine in the morning, a number of people both Japanese and tourists from other countries were on the beach with swimsuits, or in plain clothes walking along the shoreline.

"I can sense him..." Erika said as her lavender eyes scanned the beach as the wind blew through her tide back hair.

Alison joined her side. "Is he close?"

Erika closed her eyes and tried to sense where he might be. "No, but all I can tell is that he is nearby somewhere."

"That's not a good thing is it?"

Her expression went dark for a moment. "No, it's not."

"So what do we do about it?" Takashi asked as he joined Alison's side grasping her hand with his. Erika glanced at their hands before looking back at the beach scouring the land.

"You guys go back to the inn." She said. "You'll be safer there then here."

"What?" Alison stared at her. "You're joking right? You expect us to go back and just leave you here to fight some monster by yourself? Are you out of your mind?"

"Alison, it's as you said, this man is a monster he's willing to end innocent lives just so he can get to me."

"I know," Alison retorted. "I saw what he did Erika, and I was not only worried but scared for both you and Sherrie, and that's why I'm not leaving you alone to face this."

"It's too dangerous for you; go back with Takashi to the inn." Erika said softly as she continued to have her back facing her.

"Erika what the heck has gotten into you, I told you before that I am not going to sit back and do nothing while you face this alone."

"Just go back..."

"No." Alison said sternly.


"No way Erika, you can't force me to leave, I'm staying."

"I said leave!" Erika whirled around, her eyes now red as she stared at Alison who still looked unfazed by it all. "You're human Alison; you wouldn't last ten seconds with this man if he got a hold of you."

She folded her arms across her chest. "So what if I am? You're human too Erika and you know you don't need to fight him alone. Even if I die knowing I was with you, I'd be content with that."

Erika gritted her teeth before grabbing on to Alison's shoulder's her nails digging deeply. "What if I can't save you then!?" she demanded. "What if I'm too far away from you and you die because of me!" tears mixed with blood began to form in her red eyes, her whole body shook as Alison stared at her in shock. "I can't... I just..." she hugged Alison tightly. "I can't risk losing you too... I just can't." I can't let you end up like Sherrie too... or worse, I can't let you die!

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