Chapter 43

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Nathan sat in a hospital chair in a private room, his elbows on his knees as he looked down to the floor. This all seemed to be getting way out of hand, first learning of Erika's origin, discovering that she wasn't human, and that now there were probably many others like her out there in the world disguising themselves as humans.

But Erika wasn't like the one who called herself Calypso, that one was insane, but when Erika was in her mermaid form she seemed not only indifferent, but had a rigged and cold exterior, like what she said held no emotion. That short time when she became angry was actually a relief to see.

The Erika he had met before hand in the hospital, the normal one, and the Erika that he had not only seen on TV but also in the park, the mermaid one, they were the same person, they looked the same, hair and eyes were a different color yes but they still looked the same, like a glass reflection.

Only Erika's had no emotion, showed no feelings and spoke with a voice void of life itself, like she was nothing more than an empty vessel waiting to be filled.

He wanted to know why, but wasn't sure on how to go about it.


He looked to the bed to see Sam watching him with drowsy smile. "Hi Nathan, how've you been? You look like crap."

"I should be saying that to you." He said as he drew nearer his eyes looking to the now bandaged and covered shoulder. "How's your shoulder? Dose it hurt?"

"No." she glanced at it with a slight frown. "To tell you the truth I can't really feel anything, it might just be the drugs they put me on, but..." she shook her head. "No I'm not going to think that. Why are you here Nathan? What happened to Erika?"

"I don't know, I went back with the other officers but she, and the body of that other girl, were gone. As far as I can tell she's probably somewhere safe."

"That's not a girl Nathan." Sam said. "No normal girl can do the things she could and come out alive. She's not human, and whatever she really is, she might just be like the rest of them." She frowned. "But then I might be wrong, if she was like the other then she would have killed us both instead of stalling for time."

Nathan didn't respond, but when he went to say something to change the subject he overheard two officers talking in the hallway.

"...this other incident, this one happened closer to downtown right? Any word on what happened to the family?"

"No, so far there's no sign of them, it's like they just vanished. But there is a lot of blood so I doubt any of them are alive. Though there was something else, something about some kind of monster crashing the house, a few people saw it, and some others are saying they saw a girl with white hair go after it. The same white haired girl that showed up on TV a while ago."

"But I thought that was some kind of hoax done by the Japanese."

"Well they're not claiming to it, at least from what I hear."

White haired girl, do they mean Erika? Nathan thought when he froze in his seat.

"Go Nathan." Sam told him, causing him to jump at the sound of her voice. "I know I can't stop you from doing this, you want to know the truth about all of this, and I get it. But you just have to promise me one thing okay?"


With her good arm she grabbed his tie, yanked him towards him, and pressed her lips to his, too stunned speak when she moved away Sam pointed at him.

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