Chapter 17

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"So how was the flight?" Takashi asked as they drove down the road, passing homes and shops as many people, a lot of people wearing summer cloths, a few woman walking with a parasol to block the sun's strong rays from their skin.

Alison shrugged. "It was alright, though I think both of us still feel a bit tired from being on the plane for so long."

"Well when we get to the inn you two will have plenty of time to get settled." Takashi glanced again in the rear view mirror to Erika who was staring out the window. "You look a bit familiar Erika-san, have you ever been to Japan before?"

Erika looked to him. "Hmmm? Oh, uh... no. This is my first time to Japan, or out of my own country before. Sorry."

"That's alright." He said. "You just seem familiar is all. Mind if I ask what brings you out all the way here to Okinawa? Usually a lot of young woman traveling to Japan for the first time head to Tokyo or Kyoto, to see some of the more common sights, I'm just curious is all."

"I'm looking into something." Erika said.

Takashi glanced in the rear view mirror again to her before looking back on to the road. "If it's here then I have a feeling you'll find your answer."

"Um." Alison drew Takashi's attention. "I have two questions."


"Okay, first, and don't take this the wrong way, where did you learn to speak English so well, you almost sound like you were born speaking it besides Japanese."

Takashi laughed. "Yeah I was wondering when that question, I learned at a really young age and my little sister is the same, she and I can both speak Japanese and English pretty well, when I was in high school people assumed I went to America to learn for a year. Even though, like you two, I've never left the country. What's your second question?"

Alison glanced to Erika who was back to looking outside the window. "Um well..."

"Are there any beaches here?" Erika asked, cutting Alison off while she continued to look out the window.

"Yup, in this prefecture there are a few, about seven, though the closest one to the inn is called Moon Beach, however many of the tourists end up staying at the resort, ours is a lot smaller than a regular hotel, so not that many people come to our inn, though there are those whom really enjoy the classic inn look. The home I live in is not only combined with the inn but there's also a café that you can go to."

"How far is it from the inn?"

Takashi thought about it for a moment. "Last I checked which is a while ago; it's about fifteen to twenty minute walk."

Alison looked to Erika, who seemed to be thinking extremely hard now, Alison knew why Erika asked Takashi such a question, during the flight Erika had the first journal out and let Alison do a quick look over. She became surprised at learning how Allen and Yara actually met, well, found, and that there didn't seem to be any sort of identification on her, or the odd lack of clothing ether.

The look of worry that came over Erika's face when she read that, Alison could tell she was thinking something negative might have happened to her mother to end up that way.

"We'll find out what happened." Alison said as she placed a reassuring hand on Erika's shoulder, Erika glanced at Alison but said nothing.

Her mind was still reeling over the fact that she was really here, here in Okinawa Japan; in the same place that her father had come too only difference was the twenty three year gap.

Questions began to flow through her mind as she continued to watch the many people Japanese and non-Japanese, walking down the street.

What things changed?

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