Chapter 27

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"What do you want?" Erika demanded but none of them said anything in return, why did this feeling of being lightheaded and dizziness have to happen now of all times! "Leave me alone!" she yelled at them when they started to get closer, her head began to throb, her teeth ached as her vision started to turn red once more. She held her balance with a nearby tree as her breathing began to labor only slightly. There were five of them, and all looked unsettling, this wasn't good, because of this feeling she had she had lied to Alison just to get away from the growing crowds, leaving was perhaps the biggest mistake she could have made.

When they began to draw nearer Erika gritted her teeth before shouting. "Leave me alone!" to the point her voice echoed out into the sky causing the men to become froze in place. It wasn't the men's choice to stop however, they tried to move groaning, trying to push their bodies forwards with little to no success, it was as if something had reached inside them an invisible force that they could not fight against.

Her vision was now completely red as she regained control of herself to stand. "Go away," she said in a voice that was, and yet was not a voice of her own. "Unless you want something to happen that you'll regret. Never come near me again." Glaring at them, the men remained where they were; she wanted them gone out of her sight no matter what the cost.

"Erika-san!" Yukari's voice caused Erika to become still, her vision still red for a moment, normal the next. The men were also able to move once more before going straight for Erika only to be fought off by Yukari with kicks and punches. "What do you think you are doing?" Yukari demanded to one of the men she kicked to the ground. The men didn't answer her; instead they ran away as fast as they could into the woods. "Bunch of cowards," Yukari muttered under her breath. "Attacking a foreigner that's completely alone, talk about shameful."

Erika collapsed against the tree; this was something different, what happened to those men, was something she wasn't sure of.

Her gaze caught on something that was in the forest. A... Adrian? For a split second Erika thought she saw him watching her, why she thought that she didn't have a clue for the next thing that happened was nothing but darkness.

"I can't believe it happened again!" Alison spoke with panic as she paced back and forth in the room back at the mansion as Takashi watched her. "And what's worse I still need to apologize for acting so selfishly yesterday too."

"Alison, what happened with Erika-san and how you acted yesterday are two completely different things. Plus Erika-san doesn't blame you; you acted like that in front of me. And you gave your fair amount of apologise as well. So calm down, you once told me that this has happened before, it might be nothing more than a fainting spell."

"And if it's not?"

"Then we'll figure something out, now you need to get out of the kimono I'll look and see if any of the maids can help you." he opened the door and looked around in the hallway only found it to be absolutely empty, that was odd, he walked further but still came across no one. "For some reason I can't find anyone, I guess I could help you with the belt and then..." he trailed off when he saw Alison struggling with the kimono in a failed attempt to remove it herself, he sighed before shaking his head at her. "Alison, you really should learn to be a bit patient, now you're all tangled up in the belt."

"I thought I'd be able to remove it, it's a lot harder then I'd thought it'd be." Her foot caught on part of the fabric tripping over herself before falling to wards the ground, Takashi was able to catch her before she hit the floor.

"Be careful." He scolded lightly. "Now hold still while I try to get this fixed."

"Thanks..." she said softly, slightly embarrassed at how she had acted. But there was also another reason for her embarrassment; Takashi was now so close to her, so close that she could feel the heat coming off of his body. But she couldn't help noticing the slight intense stare that he seemed to be giving her whenever she was to glance up at him.

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