Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Erika stood in front of the Adams large home, no it wasn’t a home, it was more like a mansion a place when she used to visit often when younger she would always get lost, deciding whether or not to ring the doorbell or not. It had been a long time since she was here, it made her wonder if any of the people who worked here at Sherrie’s home would even recognize her now. Sure it had been only five years, but it never takes long to forget someone they didn’t like.

Swallowing the lump in her throat before pressing the doorbell and waited in silence, she glanced to her wrist watch, thinking that even though it was eleven in the morning  that it might have been too early to see Sherrie.

A few moments later one of the double doors opened and an elderly maid poked her head outside. “Yes?” her expression then changed to detest when she realized who was standing in front of her. “Oh, it’s you. What is it? I’m very busy today.”

 She hesitated for a moment. “Um… I just wanted to come by and see how Sherrie is doing today, is she here…?”

“No.” she remarked harshly.


“I said no girl.” The woman cut Erika off before waving a dismissive hand. “Now get lost before security comes and throws you out.”

Erika held her hands up in surrender and backed away. “Alright, I’ll leave. But please tell Sherrie that I came by, and that I hope she’s doing better.”

“No thanks to you…” she snarled bitterly before slamming the door in Erika’s face.

She let out a breath before turning and heading down to the front gates of Sherrie’s home, her hands in her jean pockets as she walked. Stepping on to the sidewalk the gates closing behind her, Erika turned to look up at one of the windows before heading down the street. She wanted to ask Sherrie if what she saw was the same thing that Erika saw.

A memory flashed through her mind of that deathly pale hand gripping on to Erika’s ankle, if Erika didn’t have that knife with her she was sure she would have most likely drowned alongside Sherrie or worse if she tried to pull the hand away from her leg.

That hand… was that really a human hand? Erika thought as she walked down the street her lavender eyes downcast to the sidewalk watching her feet move while kicking a small pebble with the tip of her running shoes.  It looked human… but it didn’t feel human at all. Just what was that thing that grabbed me? And that strange whirlpool… it broke the knife like it was nothing but paper… she looked at both of her hands, her skin was fine there were no cuts or bruises on the skin, yetthat water, it should have sliced off her hands, but she was completely fine. I don’t understand any of this…

Erika ran a hand through her hair pushing her bangs out of the way as her other hand tugged slightly down on her light blue V-neck T-shirt then glancing to the hot sun beating down on her as if she were a an egg ready to be cooked. “It’s hot…” she muttered to herself as she stared at the sky. “Why do I feel so hot…?”

Sherrie Adams sat up in her bed, she slept long enough and needed to get up and head outside, she wondered how Erika was doing, she wanted to ask her friend how she was able to free Sherrie from that strange water, she recalled it being different for it held on her leg, though she had blacked out every so often she would come awake only to faint again, as if something was keeping her in a sedated form.

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