Chapter 20

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"There's a big aquarium in Okinawa! Can we go Erika?"

Erika was just about to take a bite of her rolled egg when Alison asked in such a childlike manor. Taking a bite and swallowing she asked in return. "Why an aquarium, we're right by the ocean, if we want to see fish we can go there."

"I know! I know, but think of it this way, we get to know more of the lay of the land, and who knows you might find something there that can help."

Erika thought about it for a moment, and then recalled the scales that were still tucked away in her bag in her room. "What's this place called?"

Alison pulled out a pamphlet and handed it to her. "It's called Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium, it's really big, and there these tunnels that are built for people to go through to see the underwater sea life in its natural habitat."

Erika looked at the map before looking at her friend with skepticism. "Alison, we're here, in Onna prefecture, while this aquarium is all the way in here in Motobu, look at the distance. Do you really think we'll be able to get there?"

"I think I can get you guy's there." the two of them looked up and saw Takashi looking down at the map before taking it to get a better look. "Yeah I don't think it'll take too long to get there, it's also a main spot of tourists as well."

And I can look into those scales, if they really are what they look like. Erika thought as she continued to eat. She felt a lot better today actually; her sleep was the best that she had in a long time, as well when it came to eating, her throat no longer hurt and her body no longer felt sluggish and heavy. It might have been because of the flight here.

Alison eyed Erika like a child eyeing cotton candy; with a slight smirk she took another bite of her breakfast. "Alright fine, we can go. Besides we aren't just here for me, we can do other stuff too."

"Yay!" Alison got up and headed out of the breakfast hall. "I'm going to go get changed, let me know when we're leaving!"

Takashi looked stunned as Erika continued to eat at her own pace. "She's very enthusiastic this morning."

"She's never been to an aquarium before." Erika said as she drank her tea. "Though my other friend, Sherrie and I have been because of school, Alison couldn't. Sherrie at least had an excuse, saying that with her father's name she could make the place a bit more popular."

He frowned. "Why couldn't Alison go?"

Erika set down the cup before looking at Takashi. "Her parents never let her, even when she was little she never really did get much of a chance to do stuff like that. But if she was with me or Sherrie we could sneak her away to do something's, go to the park, the beach, a comic book or anime store. Things like that aren't too common for her since her parents are very controlling."

Sitting down across from her Takashi folded his arms across his chest. "Sounds a lot like some very old fashioned high schools here in Japan. What exactly do they expect from her?"

"They wanted her to be like them." She said as she rested her chin on the back of her hand. "A mathematician, which is a laugh since that's her worst subject, if they just listened to her more it'd be better. Which is too bad, I've seen her work when it comes to her stories. She's really good as what she can create."

"Is she a novelist?"

Erika laughed a bit. "Well she'd like to be, I mean she's posted a lot of her work online, on websites that'll protect her stuff, and she's even won a few awards too. But..." her smile fell as she lowered her hand back on to the table. "...even that doesn't seem to change her parents minds about all this. They just want what's best for themselves, at least from what I can tell. They don't even seem remotely concerned that their daughter wants to do other things." With a sigh Erika stood from her seat and turned to leave. "Sorry, I really shouldn't have said any of that, but, I want Alison to do what she wants, even if what she wants to do seems impossible, I envy that she has such a dream, while I on the other hand could never think of what I want to do, even though high school is now over for us. Anyway let me know when you're ready to leave Takashi."

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