Chapter 50

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Takashi had called down his mother who then quickly told them to remove there wet cloths and wear yukatas so their cloths would dry. While waiting Erika told them what had happened in their home country.

"So the one that caused it is a mermaid, or merman?"

"That's right," Erika said as she placed the towel down. "But you Takashi, you've never met this man before."

"Just because I haven't met him, doesn't mean you can't tell me."

Alison took over. "He was at the aquarium; he was the guy that helped Erika find her way back to us when we were separated. But we ended up meeting him and even his girlfriend at a nearby café."

Takashi frowned. "How come you never told me?"

"We had no idea at the time." Erika said as Suzuki joined them with dry cloths. "I mean, I hadn't even learned what I was then when I met him both times, I just thought he was just some regular guy, kind of intrusive, but a normal person."
"But now that you know that he's not." Suzuki said. "What do you plan to do about it?"

Erika's expression became dark, eyes void of life itself. "I have to kill him; it's the only way to stop all of this."

"You sure that's the only way?" Alison asked. "I mean fighting him is one thing sure, but killing him? That's a little bit dark, even for you."
"There's no other way believe, if I don't and he gets me, he'll..." her hands clenched the fabric of the yukata, almost to the point of ripping it. "He intends to violate me; he just wants me so I can have his children."

"Okay first, that's gross. And second," she cleared her throat before yelling causing everyone in the room but Erika to jump. "What the fucking hell is wrong with that guy!? I mean he has, or had a girlfriend right? Why not make her have his kids or hell, any other woman out there that would find his creepy-self attractive? Because god knows there's probably a lot!"

"Whoa, Alison calm down." Takashi hushed. "I get why you're so angry but you don't need to explode over it, remember it's not just you here."

After a moment of deep breathing she sat back down with a flushed look of embarrassment across her face. "Sorry, I'm still dealing with some pent up aggression from earlier..."

"You mean about your parents."

While also explaining about what had happened back in Canada, Alison decided it was best to bring up why she was there too, what she had to deal with her controlling parents and finally breaking away from them and seeing just how low they really were as people, along with the major possibility that she would not be returning home.

"For now you can stay here." Suzuki said. "But when all of this is over and taken care of you'll need to go through a major legal process as well as collecting whatever might be left there at your old home."

"I understand." Alison said.

Erika quietly took her leave to change as the three talked about what they would do if her parents went and made drastic measures, which could involve the police and the media; however Erika knew it would be drowned out by the events of what was happening now.

Her body shook in anticipation, now she was just waiting for him to show up, it was almost insufferable, but being here early meant she could at least save more than lose. Even with that thought in mind Erika still couldn't shake off the worry and fear that she had for those she cared about. She wondered what would happen if she were to lose, would Adrian destroy everyone and everything that she cared for so that when he got what he wanted she couldn't go back, or would he kill her?

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