Chapter 18: Snape Snape Severus Snape

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Sev contacted me later that night. A school owl flew to our window with a small note attached to its leg. I gave the owl a treat and untied the message. It was to the point like mine.

Of corse, anytime you need to talk. After dinner tomorrow? Come to my office at 8:00. I love you.


Well I could always count on him. I know that's just how he is, he was hurt, bad. He doesn't talk about it much but what ever happened made him cold, hostile to other people. He was almost a different person here. Oh well.

I put the letter at the bottom of my trunk with the first one and got into bed.

The next day everything was normal. We had Herbology again to Nevilles delight. Though I didn't care much for it, to much dirt and yuck everywhere. You where practically playing in the mud the whole time. Not for me.

After dinner I waved goodbye to be friends and started down to the dungeons. Walked into the potions classroom which was now empty and knocked on Sevs office.

"Come in Rose." He said smiling as he opened the door for me to come in. I smiled at him. And walked inside.

Almost everything was still black even though she had tried to add some color to it a couple years ago. Large cabinets and shelves where filled with all sorts of weird things. The all ways intrigued her, that was until last year where she pick one up that looked like it had an eyeball in it and dropped it. Well, she might have burned a hole through Hogwarts. Maybe.

When she entered she was sure not to bump any of the jars. She went over to his desk and sat on top carful to avoid the pictures he had. Most where of her and him. He chuckled and walked over to give her a hug.

"How have you been? Is everything alright?" He questioned her. She nodded. Then she took out the slip of paper she wrote him. He usually read her really well but somethings needed to come directly from her.

Hi Sev. Everything's cool. I've made some friends, Hermione and Ron and Neville and Harry- which brings me to what I really wanted to talk about. You where sort of mean to all of them in potions yesterday. I know your strict and all but could you maybe be nicer to my friends? I know Slytherin hates Griffindor, but that's who I am now. That's where I belong. So ya. Great. Good talk.

He stayed silent for a while. I was beginning to worry but then he pulled me into another hug.

"Okay. I'll try. I guess that's just who I am. Who I've become over these years." I hugged him back.

"And you." He said poking me. "You are making me soft. This will be my one exception. Don't expect much, I'll probably be extra hard on my all. But I'll try to be less, mean." He said smiling. Then we talked until it was way past my curfew and he walked me back up to Griffindor common room where I fell asleep as soon as I reached my bed.

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