twenty one.

9 0 0

"what exactly do you mean when you say 'be like me'?"

we were now in his room seated on his bed, nancy probably wondering where i was.

"i don't know. i guess i wanna be adventurous like you, not be afraid, have some sort of thrill in my life."

he thought for a moment.

"that bad huh?"

i looked him in the eye and nodded nonchalantly.

"okay, i'll tell you what, i'll help you with this life thrilling fantasy of yours, but you'll owe me."

i thought for a moment or two.


he smirked and laid on his back with his hands behind his head.

i didn't know what to do, so i just mimicked his position.

"this right here, is my thinking position. i figure if i'm gonna do this. might as well make it enjoyable for me as well."

"where do we start then?"

"i have an ide-"

right then and there nancy appeared out of nowhere holding a clipboard in her hands.

"stevens, i've been wondering where you had ran off to."

"sorry, i was just um.. *mumble*."

i quickly hopped out of the bed, hiding  from her questioning glare and exited the room.

dallas laughed in the distance.

"bye blue."

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