twenty seven.

10 0 0

"hi lily."

"hi indigo, would you like to play a game with me?"

nancy didn't need me at the moment, so i accepted the invitation.


she rushed to her bed, grabbed freddy and a bunny rabbit.

"well who's this?"

"this is susie." she giggled. "don't tell freddy but susie has a bit of a crush on him."

i chuckled to myself amused by the innocent of such youth.

"my lips are sealed." i told her sealing my lips and throwing away the key.

she smiled.

she lifted up freddy and her voice got deeper as she spoke for him.

"hi susie you look really nice today."

i cleared my throat and performed my sweetest and highest girly voice.

"why thank you freddy, you were always so sweet."

"you've met lily and indigo right?"

"i've met lily, but not indigo. it's nice to meet you."

i went back to my regular voice and said "nice to meet you as well susie."

i went back to my susie voice as lily smiled.

"you've been such a gentleman keeping her company."

"yeah, her doctor says she has leukemia, but she's getting better."

i went mute and my face was blank.

in that time i realized it wasn't a game anymore.

this was reality.

lily had leukemia.

just like my mom had.

this couldn't be happening.

i couldn't bare to look at her anymore as tears pricked my eyes and my face grew hot.

so i bid her goodbye and ignored my duties and rushed home.

why do bad things happen to good people?

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