fourty six.

7 0 0

"that's debatable."

i could see a cloud of smoke evaporate from around him.

"dallas, are you okay?"

"i think i should be asking you that question."

i walked toward him and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"i'm fine. i really am."

he turned around to look at me and his honey colored eyes looked of sadness.

"but you see, that's where your wrong. one second you were laughing and then the other second you started to shake and i panicked. you wouldn't stop."


"i've never seen something like that before in my life. i thought you were dying, going into some sort of shock."


"and your dad probably hates me. he thinks i'm a bad influence. this is all my fault. everything i touch gets destroyed."


"you should honestly stay-"

"dallas this isn't your fault. the first time i met you, i told you i get them sometimes."

"no. but this was different. it was like death was staring me in the face."

he was in panic mode. he was breathing hard, sweat dripped down his face and i swear i could hear his rapid heart beat.

silence eloped us and his breathing slowed down before he confessed.

"blue.. i have.. i have lung cancer."

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