sixty three.

8 0 0

i pulled myself together after my dad left for work.

everything happening with lily made me even more determined.

determined to do everything in my power to help someone else.

that someone being dallas.

today was january 1st, new years day.

in a couple of minutes i was leaving for one of the most important things that could happen. i was giving my lung to dallas, someone i cared for so much.

i got dressed and made may way to the living room, picking up the keys.

despite having my liscences, my dad doesn't really like when i drive because he's scared something bad would happen. but i'll be fine and prove him wrong.

i walked out the driveway and began my to drive to the hospital.

dallas would understand. that i had to do this. that i couldn't watch him die. because i liked him, i really did.

he wasn't going to see me today before his operation and i hoped he didn't hate me for it.

remember when i told you that i get seizures once in while.

any place or any time.

well, now just so happened to be right this moment.

my limbs went numb and i crashed.


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