fifty six

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"you should really quit you know especially since you have lung cancer."

he turned around and exhaled a cloud of smoke.

"you should really take the hint that the roof is my personal hideout and besides i had lung cancer way before i started smoking. in my eyes i'm just speeding up the process of the approaching investable."

"i don't care."


"why do you do this?"

"do what?"

"act nice to me one minute and then act like i'm a real bother the next."

he thought for a moment.

"i think i act pretty normal."

"you act like you hate me sometimes."

"i don't hate you."

i sighed and rocked back and forth on my heels.

"what are we then?"

"what do you mean?"

"define this relationship between us."

he let the ash fall from his cigarette and took enough steps till he was in front of me.

"i don't know. i guess we are friends."

"really?" i beamed.

"don't sound too shocked."

"i didn't think you'd actually admit it."

"i don't really do this whole "friend" thing to be honest."


"i don't think you understand."

"what is there to understand?"

"i literally don't like people, so i don't really have friends."

"you've never had a friend before?"

"i have, they just didn't last long, so i just rather not."


"yeah well."

he took in a puff of smoke and blew it out, making me irritated. so, i snatched the cigarette from his mouth and threw it on the ground.

he glared at me annoyed.

"you've got to stop doing that."

"you've got to stop being an idiot before you kill yourself."

"too late."

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