twenty four.

10 0 0

i caught my breath and took a picture capturing the essence of this moment, the happiness that spread through my face.

i heard the zipping through the line and dallas drop has hands off the metal bar.

he was smiling from ear to ear and watched to see my reaction to the experience.

"how was it?"

my face was blank because of my lack of oxygen but once i regained back the pigment in my cheeks i smiled a big smile and hugged him.

"it was amazing, i can't believe i just did that. it was incredible."

i babbled on, not sensing the feeling of how awkward he felt in the hug.

i released him and looked down, dusting off my shirt.

he cleared his throat "i'm glad, but we should probably get going before we get caught."

"okay texas, lead the way."

"okay, that's not even my name."


"your an idiot. i'll just bring you my birth certificate. blue, lets go before you say something idiotic again."

"bu-. whatever."

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