fourty four.

7 0 0

i woke up, in the familiar beige room the hospital contained.

my eyes started to unjust and there sat my dad looking around, waiting and hoping patiently.

"dad?" my voice croaked.

he turned around in his seat and rushed over to my side.

"indie, are you okay?"

"dad i'm fine."

he hugged me carefully and placed a small kiss on my forehead. once he let go of the embrace he took a step back and looked me in the eyes.

"then what in the hell where you doing at the beach in your underwear at ten o'clock at night?"

"dad, where's dallas?"

"never mind dallas, he's the one who got you in this mess."

"no he didn't. i asked him too."

"asked him to. asked him what exactly?"

"dad, it's a long story and my head kind of hurts."

he sighed and calmed down a bit.

"okay, i'll just get the doctors but this conversation isn't over."

"i had a feeling it wasn't."

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