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**************Skip till Monday for school*********

Amanda's pov:

I woke up to my alarm going off at 6:30. Which gives me an hour to get ready and to get going to school. I quickly got into the shower and changed into my clothes. (Picture on top.) I applied the usual make-up. Some mascara, eyeliner, and some foundation. I quickly got my bag and my keys and left out the door and got into my car and drove to school. The school is pretty big, all you see is people standing in the front and some people going inside. I parked into the parking lot and got out and went inside the school. As soon as I walked into the school peoples eyes were on me. All you here is whistles from here and there from different people. I went to the principals office and got my locker combination. I walked down the hall going going k my locker. 142, 143, 144. Number 145 was my locker. I opened my locker and put most of my stuff in it. I got my stuff out for English since its my first period. Once I closed my locker Cameron was on the side of it.

"Hey, I didn't even see you there" I said while hugging him tightly.

"Of course you didn't see me, I was standing behind it" hr said while laughing.

He kissed me on my forehead and that made me stop and think for a moment. He looked shocked himself that he did that. I just shook it off and just moved on.

"So what class do you have right now." he said with a smile.

"I have English." I said

"What room because I have English right now too." He said while.

"I'm in room number A67, with Ms. Cush."

"Oh okay cool I have that class with you." He said happily while taking my hand and swinging it back and forth.

Cam is so sweet. We talked the whole way to class. Once we got in the teacher told us that we could sit anywhere we wanted. Me and Cam decided to sit all the way in the back of the room next to each other. We basically talked the whole class period about random things.

*****Skipping to lunch*****

Once the Bell rang for lunch, I quickly went to my locker and put my stuff up and made my way to the lunch room. I saw Cam with a group of boys. I decided to walk up to him and see what's up.

"Hey Cam." I side while rapping my arm around his waist. As I did that he put his arm around my shoulders.

"Hey these are my friends, Jack j, Jack g, Taylor, Nash, Matthew, Shawn, and Sammy or Sam for Short. Guys this is Amanda." He said while pointing to each and every one of them than to me.

Jack j had light brown hair with cute grey eyes. Jack g had dark Brown hair with brown eyes. Taylor hair color is brown and his eyes are dark brown. Nash has brown hair and the most sexiest blue eyes. Matthew has brown hair and brown eyes. Shawn has brown hair and had light brown eyes. Sam has platinum blond hair with brown eyes. I really think Shawn was really cute and all I could do was just stare at him. I think he saw me staring because he was just sitting there smiling at me.

"Hey earth to Amanda are you okay" Cam said while swiping his hands passed my face.

"Huh... Oh.... Yeah I'm fine." I said with a dumb expression.

They all just laughed at my reaction well except for Cam he seemed pretty mad that I was staring at Shawn. I mean why would be be mad I'm his best friend.


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