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Amanda's pov:

As soon as a scary part came on I balled myself into Cam's chest.

"It's okay Amanda is not real." Cam said while laughing at me.

I then focused myself back on the TV screen. I felt something touch my leg. I looked down and saw it was Cam's hand. He moved his hand in the inside of my thigh. It made me gasp. Which made one of the boys turn around and look at us.

"You okay Amanda." Jack J said which made everyone turn around and look at me

"Oh yea I'm fine." I said

As soon as everyone turned around and looked back at the movie Cam move his hand up some more and he touched my clit. I moved his hand and said no because I want ready to have sex yet.

"I'm sorry, if your not ready then I'll understand." He said with a sad face.

"Thanks for understanding." I said

"Are you tired yet." Cam said.

"Yea I'm a little." I said

"We should go lay down." Cam said.

He got up and reached his hand out for me to take. Once we got to the stairs he picked me up bridal style. I just laid my head on his chest. He placed me on the bed then took off his shirt and laded down next to me. He cuddled me into his chest. I was thinking all about this day as my eyes slowly got heavy and I fell asleep. I woke up in the morning at 9:49. I looked to my side and saw that Cam was still sleep. I kissed him on his cheek then got up and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair down. I went downstairs and saw that all the boys was still sleep. I saw Jack and Skye cuddling together. They make a cute couple. I decided that they were going to wake up in a little bit so I decided to make some breakfast. I made some pancakes and some eggs and some bacon. I made a lot because I knew the boys would be hungry. I heard footsteps come down the stairs. I felt some arms wrap around my waist and kiss my shoulder. I turned around and saw it was Cam. I pecked his lips and turned back around to cooking the eggs. He was helping me cook by standing behind me and putting his hand over mine as I was spinning the eggs around. It was really perfect. I hurd the boys stating to wake up. They all started to pile up in the kitchen.

"Oooo food" Matt said

I handed everyone a plate and place two pancakes and some eggs and three pieces of bacon on each plate.

"There is 6 extra pancakes so share them wisely." I said while stuffing my face with bacon.

After everyone finished eating we decided to hang out at the mall. I decided that we all should split up. Of course I was with Cam. Skye was with Jack G, Jack J was with Matt. Taylor was with Nash, Sam decided to go with Taylor and Nash since he was the only one left. Me and Cam decided that we would take turned going to a store and we would have to go in. I picked first so I decided to go to pink and get some more sweats and some bra and underwear. I got some black sweats with the word pink and was pink on the side of it. After I got that I went over to the bras and underwear. I got bra that was black with and red with little black roses on it. It had matching underwear to go with it. I payed for the clothes and then left. Cam's face was mad because I forced him to go inside.

"Oh get over it at least you get to get me back by talking me to one of your manly stores." I said while smirking.

"Fine." He said with a smile and taking my hand and dragging me to dicks.

Cam for some basketball shorts and some jeans and some more shirts. He paid for his stuff and then we left. We met up with the rest of the boys at the food court. I decided to get some taco bell. Cam got the same thing. Matt got subway as along with Taylor and Nash. Sam decided to get Mc. Donald's. We all decided that we should eat at home. It was 3:55 once we arrived. We all decided that we should watch a movie and eat. I was cuddled next to Cam. Watching the movie. I kept making him mad by sucking on his ear. That was his favorite spot.

"Stop, let's finish watching the movie." He said with a grin.

"Why, I know you like it." I said while kissing his ear.

"I'll stop before you start something that you wouldn't be able to finish." He said

"What are you trying to say." I said while smiling and looking his into his eyes again.

"All you need to know is don't start something that you won't be able to Finsh."
He said

I went down to his ear again and kissed it.

"Hey guys me and Amanda are going to go up stairs for a moment i need to talk to her." He said while grabbing my hand.

"Use a condom." Taylor said. Which made me blush.

Once he got up the stairs and in my room Cam pushed me into the wall and smashing his lips into mine. It was hard and passionate kiss. He tugged on my shirt ordering me to take it off. I took of my shirt revealing my black pink and white camo flogue bra. He started kissing and biting my neck making sure to leave a mark.

"Jump" he whispers into my ear.

I did as I was told. He walked over to the bed and put me down lightly. I took off his shirt. As I finished he started kissing me again then started kissing my neck and making his way down. He started kissing my stomach which made me bite my lips. I tugged on his hair receiving a few moans from him. He started pulling down my pants letting my underwear show which matched my bra. He started kissing the inside of my thighs. I was thinking in my mind if I really wanted to loose my virginity. Cam made his way back up to my neck and then right back to my lips. He started pulling down his pants so that he was only in his boxers. I could feel him get hard which made me even horny. Cam reached for the back of my bra trying to unbotton it. I pushed his hands to to the front of my bra.

"It unbottons from the front." I said with a smile.

He unbuttoned my braw than started massaging my boobs. I let out some moans. He grinned at my reaction. He started pulling down my underwear. I stopped him before anything could go any further.

"Your not ready still are you." He said

"No. I feel like I am, but at the same time I don't." I said

"It's okay. Whenever your ready I'm ready. I'm not gonna pressure you into doing it. Cause if I love I'll wait until your ready." He said while giving me a peck on the lips.

I got up and went to the bathroom and took a shower once I was done I wrapped the towel around me and then walked out the bathroom. I saw Cam laying down on the bed on his phone. I just took off the towel and started looking through my drawer. It really didn't matter if he saw me naked. I pulled out some black sweats and a pink tank top. I climbed into bed next to Cam and cuddled myself into his chest. I felt my eyes get heavy so I just closed my eyes and fell asleep.


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