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**********1 month later**********

Amanda's pov:

I really can't believe that Cam would do something like this again to me. I really love Cam, I'm holding his children. If he didn't want to have a pregnant girlfriend then he should of known to use protection. I really hate him right now. I really can't believe that he would do that. I heard the doorbell ring I went downstairs to open the door. Once I opened the door all the boys showed up. They were just blabbering about something but I couldn't understand what none of them were saying.

"HEY....... I can't understand any of you guys are saying you have to speak one at a time." I said.

"What happened between you and Cameron?" Hayes said.

"Why didn't you ask him that?" I said.

"Because he wouldn't talk to us all he would just say is he fucked up. He has been laying in bed crying all day." Hayes said.

"Nash can I speak to you in private?" I said.

"Yea sure." He said.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the kitchen.

"Do you know anything about that Molly girl that Cam hung out with while you two were gone doing that movie." I said.

"Molly was a girl that Cam used to date. They used to be really close." He said.

"No, I mean do you know anything about Cam and her having Sex while you guys were gone." I said.

I saw his jaw drop. He looked really shocked.

"He had sex with Molly." He said.

"I don't know. Molly came over here, I thought she was nice but she was saying all these things like Cam was mine first, and how she is going to take him back. She was even the one that told me they had sex." I said.

"I knew that kissed but I didn't know they had sex." He said.

"Nash you even saw them kiss, why didn't you tell me? Did you at least speak to Cam about it?" I said.

"No, I thought that was the only thing I thought it was just some old feeling. I was never thinking it would go further. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I should have time you." He said.

"It's fine. Maybe me and Cam weren't meant to be together." I said.

"No don't say that. You and Cam are perfect together. You make a perfect match. You know what else, perfect matches are rear. You have to believe me I think I'm right. I think that they just had sex from some memories and feelings they had when they had dated." He said.

"Yea that's true I mean it could happen. I just really don't know how I can forgive him. I mean what would you do, if your girlfriend dated someone in the past broke up they met again and they had sex." I said.

"Honestly, I wouldn't be happy. I'll probably be doing the same thing your doing right now. Trying to figure out why. You need to know he loves you. He lied because he didn't want your feeling to be hurt that's him caring. If he would tell you the truth all the time that would seem he doesn't care about you. Amanda I know for a fact he cares about you, every chance he gets he always brags about you." He said.

"He does." I said tearing up and smiling.

"Yes, he really does." He said.

"Where is he?" I said.

"He's at me and Hayes house." He said.

"You can just tell the boys what happened. I'm going to your house right now." I said.

I grabbed my keys and purse and phone and walked out the door. I got into the car and started it up. Once I arrived at Nash's and Hayes's house I saw Cam sitting on the front porch. I saw him look up at the Car. I opened the door slowly and got out. I walked up the stairs to get to the porch where Cam was at. I was playing with my fingers while looking and walking to Cam. He got up and walked towards me. Once we arrived at each other I just gave him a hug. I heard him start to cry. He was starting to make me cry.

"Cam its okay." I said.

"No Amanda its not okay. The past two days have been miserable, thinking that your not in my life. I shouldn't have done that. Your having my children and I fucked it up. Amanda I need you. Without you I really am nothing. I really don't know what I.........." He said until I cut him off by smashing out lips together.

He froze for a second then kissed me back. Our lips moved sync. It was perfect. It was full with a lot of love. It was sweet, sexy and amazing kiss. We were sitting there kissing for about 2 minutes until we heard a car beep there horn. I looked behind me and saw all the boys and Skye in one car cheering. I just laughed and turned around and kissed Cam again it then again turned into a make out kiss. I pulled away lightly.

"Let's go home. Where you belong." I said.

Me and Cam walked back to the car I threw Cam the keys so he could drive. I hopped in and Cam got in seconds later. We arrived at our house. The boys came back to the house too. We all decided to watch a movie. I'm so happy I have my boyfriend back. It is perfect. Skye was cuddling next to jack. I was cuddling up in Cams chest. Cam kissed my forehead then focused his self back on the movie. Today couldn't get any better.


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