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Amanda's pov:

I woke up in the morning and put my feet on the side of the bed. I saw that Cam was still sleep. I put on my house shoes and walked towards the bathroom. I decided that I was going to take a shower. I took off my shirt, my pants then my bra and underwear. I looked at myself in the mirror and rubbed my stomach. I can't believe I've came this far. I hopped into the shower. I washed my hair then my body. I got out and wrapped my towel around my body. I walked out the bathroom and saw Cam still sleep. I went over to the dresser and dropped my towel. I pulled out some grey sweats and one of Cams t-shirts. I walked downstairs and saw all the boys woke watching TV. I guess Skye was still sleep too cause she wasn't down stairs. Its funny how like none of the boys go back to their house. They just stay here.

"Are you guys hungry." I said.

"Yes we are." They all said.

"Okay then I'll start on breakfast." I said.

I walked into the kitchen and pulled out some eggs and pancakes. I make at least around 20 pancakes. I then started making the eggs. I made a lot of eggs. I told all the boys to come eat. I made a meal for Cam and put it in the microwave so it wouldn't get cold. After I finished eating I grabbed Cams food and went upstairs. I saw he was still sleep. I walked to the bed at sat down.

"Cam baby wake up." I said while rubbing his head.

He felt really hot. I think he's getting sick.

He just groaned.

"Cam your burning up." I said feeling his forehead.

"I don't feel good." He said.

"I think you should eat something." I said.

"I'm not hungry." He said.

"Cam you need to eat." I said.

"I don't want anything to eat right now." He said.

"Okay, when your ready to eat just call me." I said.

I went back downstairs and sat on the couch.

"Guys can you do me a favor. I think Cam is getting sick. I don't need to be getting up so much. So you think you guys can check on him once in a while." I said.

"Yea sure." Taylor said.

"Okay thanks." I said.

I laid down on the couch and fell asleep. Once it really reached 5:00 I woke up. I saw all the boys watching TV. I still didn't see Cam he must be still upstairs. I walked up stairs, he was laying down in bed still sleep. He looks really pale too. I walked over to the bed and rubbed his forehead, he is still really hot. I think we need to take him to the doctor.

"Cam honey wake up, you need to go to the doctor. Your burning up and you look pale. You've been sleeping all day too." I said.

"I don't feel good." He said.

"I know baby that's why you have to get up and go to the hospital." I said.

I helped him get up from the bed. He was really weak, he could barely even stand up. I decided that he needed to be clean so I was going to make him a bath I sat him on the toilet. I went over to the tub and run the water so it could get hot. Once it was hot enough I flipped the witch to keep make the water from spilling out. Cam was getting himself undressed. I went over and helped him walk over to the tub. He got in and laid down so his back and head was on the back of the tub wall and his feet was straight out in front. I helped him wash himself. Once I was finished he got out of the tub. He was really worn out. He got dressed and we walked down stairs together.

"Hey guys we need to take Cam to see a Doctor he is really not feeling good." I said.

"Okay." They all said.

We all got into the van and drove off. Once we arrive to the hospital I checked Cam in. About 10 minutes of waiting they called his name. They boys stayed back and I went in with Cam.

"Hi I'm Mrs. Alexander, I'll be checking you guys in for today. Today you will be seeing Dr. Ravel." She said talking us back into the room.

"Okay." Cam said.

Once we got into the room Cam sat on the chair by the desk while I sat on the bed.

"First and Last name and date of birth?" She said.

"Cameron Dallas and 9/8/96." Cam said.

"Okay thanks now what seems to be the problem." She said.

"I have not been feeling well. I've been really sick. I've been very weak too." Cam said.

"Okay have you been nauseous, or feeling like really tired." She said.

"Yea I've been feeling nauseous. I've like slept all day today." Cam said.

"Okay, I'm going to take your temperature." She said.

She pulled out the thermometer and put the cover on it. She put it in Cameron's mouth underneath his tongue. The thermometer beeped and she took it out.

"Wow your temperature is 108" she said.

"Do I just have a fever." Cam said.

"I don't know you might have the flu." She said.

"Ugh the flu is even worse." Cam said.

"We need to take a blood test." She said.

"Okay." Cam said.

The last thing she said is she would be right back and walked out. She came back minutes later and came in with test tubes and needles. She got everything set up. She tied a blue sting around Cameron's arm. She used an alcohol swipe and brushed it over Cams vain. She got the needle out and just picked him. The blood immediately rushed out into the tube. She took 2 tubes of blood. She left out the room after she was finished. We waited until 10 minutes until everyone the doctor came back in.

"You have the flu. You should be okay. You just need to take a certain medicine to make you feel better. You should start feeling much better after an amount of time." The doctor said.

"Okay thank you." Cam said.

Me and Cam left the room and went to the boys. We told the boys What Cam had. We all went back to the car and went home. As soon as we got home Cam took his medicine and went to sleep. I slept in the guest bedroom cause I wasn't trying to get sick at all.


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