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********1 month later*********

Amanda's pov:

I'm 9 months pregnant and I've not been moving at all. I've been in bed all day. Cameron is feeling much better from the flu. All the boys are still at our house. Me and Cam have tried so many times to get them to leave but they just won't. Skye is still living with me. Today is a special day because its my birthday. I've gotten a lot of presents I even got some more clothes for the Twins. I woke up and got up to take a shower. I took a long shower then got out and changed in to my clothes. I brushed my hair down and put two braids on each side then tied them back. I opened the door to go out the bathroom. Once I did I saw rose petals leading out the room. There was a sign saying to follow them. It lead to downstairs. I went downstairs and saw all the boys wearing suits. There was candles lit everywhere. I walked down the stairs limping and holding my stomach. Cam grabbed my hand and held my back to help me walk. We talked towards the back door to the pool. Once we got put I saw a table with candles on it and there were people playing music. I looked up at Cam and smiled.

"Did you do this all for me." I said.

"Of course. What? You thought it was over? There's still more to come after this but its not going to be here till tomorrow." He said.

"Cam you didn't have to do this." I said.

"I know but I wanted to." He said.

He helped me walk out the door. He pulled out my seat and pushed me in. There was amazing food set up. Cam sat down across me and just smiled.

"Your so sweet." I said.

"I know, but I'm going to be even sweeter tomorrow." He said.

Me and Cam eat out food. After we was finished we decided that we would call it a night a go to sleep. Even though it was around 10:00. Cam helped me walk to the door. Before we even reached it, I felt water come out of me which made me stop.

"Babe you okay." Cam said.

"I think my water just broke." I said.

He looked at the ground and saw it was wet. He started to panic so he hurried me up inside to where the boys are.

"Guys, guys we gotta go now." He said.

"What happened."The said.

"Amanda's water broke we need to get her to the hospital." He said.

They all started hurrying up and getting stuff so we could leave. I wasn't in pain at all I felt fine. When we was on the car about 3 minutes after I felt a sharp pain.


I grabbed onto Cams hand and squeeze it really hard.


"Its okay baby just breath in and out... in and out." Cam said.

I started breathing really slow. We finally arrived at the hospital. Cam helped me walk inside.

"My girlfriends having a baby." Cam said.

Nurses started crowding around they put me on the bed and rolled me away. The boys and Skye stayed back and Cam went with me. I was 8 meters away. They had to cut off clothes so I could start the labor.

"Okay when I say three I want you to give me a hard push." The doctor said.

"Okay." I said breathing heavy.

"1........2........3 push." She said.

Once she said three I pushed really hard. It hurt really bad.


"Your doing good honey keep going." The doctor said.

Cam kept kissing my hand and my forehead. After around the 8th push I heard crying. I looked down and saw my baby.

"It's a boy." The doctor said.

I felt another contraction and I was hissing in pain again.

"Okay give me another push." The doctor said.

After the 10th push I heard another cry.

"It's a girl." The doctor said.

After I was finishes I felt no more pain. I felt perfectly fine. I was just laughing and crying at the same time. Cam was kissing me all over my face.

"You did so good." He said.

After around 2 hours the doctor came back with both babies perfectly healthy.

"So you know what the names are going to be." The doctor said.

I knew exactly what I wanted the names to be.

"Marcus and Ariel." I said.

"Those are beautiful names." The doctor said.

Cam took Marcus and I had Ariel. I held Ariel so tight. I kissed her forehead and just cried. We made beautiful children. I saw Cam starting to tear up by looking a Marcus. The boys and Skye came in. Skye's eyes grew wide and they were happy. I was so happy that I had them. I passed Ariel around. They all got to hold both of the children. I put the kids in the kid carrier. It had there names of the front of it. I laid back into the bed. The doctor said I could go home whenever i wanted. The twins were going to have to stay at the hospital for another 2 days. I haven't lost that much weight, I still have a lot of baby fat in my stomach. As soon as I got home I laid down I couldn't stop thinking about the twins. I really want to take them home right now.


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