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Cameron's pov:

I saw that Amanda staring at Shawn. I was mad because Shawn is not the right person for her. I just want to look after my best friend. Okay maybe that's not all I might have been a little jealous. I mean as long as she is happy I'm happy too. After that day ended I went straight home and just laid in my bed going through twitter. I had got a text from Amanda.

Hey are you okay I saw you was mad that I was staring at Shawn.
- Amanda

I was kinda mad I just think that Shawn is not the right person for you and I just don't want you getting hurt.
- Me

Cam I can take care of myself and I was gonna get to know him first before I would do anything with him.
- Amanda

All I'm saying is to watch out okay. If you get hurt I really don't know what I would do.
- Me

Awwweee, your so cute when your protective over me.
- Amanda

Amanda's pov:

When I got home I could not stop thinking why Cameron looked so mad. I just really disturbed me. I decided to text him.

Hey are you okay I saw you was mad that I was staring at Shawn.
- Me

I was kinda mad I just think that Shawn is not the right person for you and I just don't want you getting hurt.

Cam I can take care of myself and I was gonna get to know him first before I would do anything with him.
- Me

All I'm saying is to watch out okay. If you get hurt I really don't know what I would do.
- Cam

Awwweee, your so cute when your protective over me.
- Me

It didn't disturbed me as much after I talked to Cam he was just looking after me and making sure I was making the right decision. I quickly got into the shower washed my hair my body and then got out. I blow dried my hair and then changed into some sweats and a Adidas sports bra. For most of my day I just stayed in my room scrolling through Instagram. Then I got a text from someone it was unknown.

Hey this this Shawn I saw that you was looking at me in school.
- Unknown

Oh hey and yea I'm sorry about that I really don't know why I did that. I think your cute.
- Me

Well thanks you are cute too and your have a pretty smile. Would it be okay if I took you out on a date this Friday.
- Shawn

I would love to go on a date with you.
- Me

Okay so on Friday ill pick you up at 7:00.
- Shawn

Okay, but I got to go I'll see you at school tomorrow.
- Me

Okay I'll see you then.
- Shawn

****Skip to the morning****

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off at 7:30. I got up got I'm the shower. Changed in my clothes (Outfit on top) and then got my bag and my purse then left out the door. Usually I'll say goodbye to my dad before I leave but he has found an job that he has to get up early in the morning for and come back late at night for. He is trying to work as much as he can do he can pay the bills. I went inside the school and went straight to my locker. I got out my history stuff and went to class. Cam was already in the back waiting for me to sit down. As soon as I sat down he pulled me into a hug.

"Well seems like someone has missed me." I said while trying to get out of his grip.

"I have missed you its been so long." He said with a fake cry.

"It's been a day you saw me like yesterday remember." I said while laughing.

"I know but you know I just wanted to make sure your okay and your doing good." He said

"By giving me a hug okay well that's a first." I said.

The teacher came in and starting talking to the class.

"Okay so today class we will be working on a project with a partner that will be sitting right next to you." She said

Me and Cam looked at each other and said "well I guess we're partners." We both stopped and looked at each other for a moment then started bursting up laughing. That made the whole class turn around and look at us. We just stopped laughing and looked at everyone else. We decided that we would start on the project and soon after school.

At lunch me Cam and his friends sat together at a table just talking. I couldn't help but to stare at Shawn and he just wouldn't stop starting at me which made everyone at the table look at the both of us. We just turned away from each other and focused on what everyone else was talking about. All of a sudden three girls came over to our table. One of them sat on Cameron's lap, he didn't seem to enjoy it.

"Get off if me Ashley." Cam said with a mad face.

"Why Cam I know you miss me and I know that you wanna get back together." She said

"No I don't want to get back together with you, plus I'm dating someone else." He said looking over at me.

Once he said that I was confused. I don't know why but but I felt jealous that he had an girlfriend and he didn't even tell me.

"I know you don't have a girlfriend you just saying that to get away from me." She said while trying to kiss him.

"No I'm serious I do have a. girlfriend." He said while still looking over at me.

"Okay I'd you have a girlfriend then where is she and what's her name."

"She is sitting right over there and her name is Amanda." He said pointing at me.

After he said that everyone's eyes were on me. Ashley just looked at me and gave me a dirty look. I soon looked at Shawn he looked confused and hurt at the same time. Ashley got off cam's lap and walked away.

"Cam can I talk to you for a moment please." I said while getting up from the table and walking around the corner.

About 30 seconds later Cam appeared.

"Why did you say that I was your girlfriend." I said with a mad face.

"I don't know I just wanted Ashley to leave she is my ex girlfriend and she still thinks we go out which I broke up with her and now she just won't leave me alone.

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