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Amanda's pov:

I really can't wait till graduation. It's on Monday and its the weekend right now. I hurd my phone beep. I turned and looked at my phone and saw that I had got an text from Shawn.

Hey do you wanna come over later on I'm not doing anything and I want some company.
- Shawn

Sorry I'm busy right now I cant.
- Me

It's okay I'll see you some other time then. I love you.
- Shawn

Okay love you too.
- Me

The only reason I didn't go is because I was still trying to figure out what I was going to wear for graduation. I decided that I was going to go out and look for some dresses. I went to the mall and just looked around for a while. After a while I found the perfect dress. It was a light greenish color. It was perfect I had everything at home that would go perfect with the dress. Once once I got home it was 5:00. Graduation is at 7:00. I was bored so I decided to surprise Shawn and go to his house. I got into my car and drove to his house. I got out my car and walked to his front door. I knocked about 3 times then looked back to see his car in front. His mom finally opened the door.

"Hey is Shawn here" I said while looking around.

"Yea he's here he is right up stairs, I'm sure you know were his room is." She said pointing up the stairs.

I walked down the hall going to his room. I hurd moaning from the direction of his room. I opened the door and there stood Shawn with some girl. They were making out. All I did was gasp witch make him look and see me. I let a tear fall from my eye.

"Amanda its not what you think." He said coming to me.

I just started running which made him rum after me. He grabbed my hand and turned me around. By then I had tears flowing down my face.

"Amanda its not what you think. She kissed me fir..." I cut him off.

"Sure it all started out with she kissing you first. If she was the one kissing you why didn't you push her away." I said angrily.

"I don't know why." He said while scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh but I know why. It's because you liked it and you know you can't deny it. Other wise you wouldn't of let her do it in the first place. Am I right."

After I said that he was speechless his mouth kept opening like he was going to say something but his mouth just closed.

"That's what I thought."

After I said that I ran straight out the door. I can't believe he would do something like this to me. I thought he really loved me. I guess I was wrong. Soon as I got home I just stayed in my room u until it was 6:10 I got ready for graduation I quickly took a shower. Than put my clothes on. (Picture on top.) Soon as I finished it was 6:40. So that gives me 20 minute to get to the school but I only need 8 so I'll be good. I finally arrived to the school. It was 6:49. I grabbes my purse and my phone then started walking towards the school. As soon as I walked in everyone just looked at me then they turned and look another direction were Shawn was standing. I turned and looked at him as he looked at me. I just turned my head and walked the other direction. I saw Cam sitting by an water fountain. He was in his phone. He looked very cute and his outfit was perfect. He was wearing an white and purple suite. But you couldn't really see his whole suite because it was kinda covered by his graduation robe. I he had one hand in his pocket and the other one was holding his phone. He looked up from his phone and saw me. It seemed like he was trying to avoid me because as soon as he saw he looked back at his phone. I rolled my eyes and walked passed him. My dad said he was gonna be a little late but I really didn't care I was just happy that he was able to come. I saw my friend's and I was about to catch up with them until someone grabbed my arm pulling me around the corner. I looked up and saw it was Shawn.

"OMG Shawn what do you want." I said while crossing my arms and looking away.

"I wanted to say I was sorry I don't know why I let that girl kiss me. I was so stupid and I really want another chance. Please give me another chance." He said while taking my hand and kissing the top of it.

I pulled my hand out from his grip and slapped him in the face than walked off. I left from around the corner crying my friends saw me and pulled me into the bathroom.

"Amanda what happen why are you crying." Skyler asked me.

"It was Shawn he cheated on me and now he is trying to get me to give him a second chance but I don't want to. I'm not resisting on getting hurt again." I said while willing away my tears.

They all led me into a group hug. They always found a way to make me feel better. The graduation was starting so we all took our seats and was waited for our names to be called. I looked around for my dad until I finally found him and sitting right next to him was my best friend Skye. I haven't seen her since we moved. I just smiled and took my seat. There was at least about 200 people who names get called before me. After about 20 minutes of peoples names getting called it was my turn to go up. I grabbed my diploma and shook hands with the principal and then walked off the stage. After about another 30 minutes it it was time to flip our strings the other way. The principal came up to Mike.

"Hello seniors you may now flip your sting from right to left." She said while smiling.

Everyone then flipped there string from right to left.

"Congratulations seniors you are now officially graduated."

As soon as she said that everyone threw there hats up and laughed and was cheering. I went up to my friends and hugged them. We all started crying in joy to know that we made it through high school. After we were done I said goodbye and walked out the door to go find my dad and Skye. As soon as I walked outside they were waiting. I quickly ran up to Skye and hugged her and fell straight into tears. I let go and looked up at my dad and hugged him.

"Did you do this for me dad." I said while smiling.

"Yea I know how much you have missed her so I bring her to you that's why I said that I was going to be later because I wanted to surprise you with her as a gift." He said.

I was so happy that day I drove home with Skye in my car while my dad drove home in his car. Me and Skye got really caught up. Once we made it home she just couldn't believe how big my house was she looked really confused on why we have such a big house.

"You gotta be shitting me this is a really big house, what's the point of having it its only two of you."

"Well there is a point of having it becuas there is two extra guest bedrooms. Then there is an office were my dad stays when he comes home from work and then there is an work out room. Where I spend some time in." I said

"You know what we should do to celebrate." She said

"What" I said.

"We should go out to an club tomorrow night." She said

"That Sound cool, that's an good idea because my dad will be going on an business trip and he won't be back until like two weeks later." I said while patting my legs.

After a while of talking me and Skye fell asleep on my bed. I was really happy that my best friend is back my real best friend not like the bestfrien I had with Cameron.

Cameron's pov:

When I went home from graduation I just couldn't help but to think when I saw Amanda. I felt bad for ignoring her but I couldn't stand seeing her with Shawn. I guess I was jealous because I wasn't with her. I think I'm really in love with Amanda.


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