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*Four months later*

Cam's Pov:

I woke up in the morning and saw Amanda was sleep on the bed still. I kissed Amanda's cheek then got out the bed. I walked downstairs and saw the boys and Skye watching TV.

"Hey guys, I want to marry Amanda." I said.

"What?" Nash said.

"I want to marry Amanda." I said.

"Don't you think y'all moving this relationship a little to fast I mean I know y'all wasn't expecting the kids but you have a house together and now you want to get married." He said.

"Exactly we are a family now and I want to make it official. I love Amanda with all my heart and I want to show her that I love her. She means the world to me." I said.

"Aaaaaawwwwweeee." They a said.

"Okay you should marry her." Nash said.

"I need approval from her dad first though because I don't want to do something that her dad won't want to happen." I said.

I think I might go around 12:00 to his house. I really want to marry Amanda. I went back upstairs and saw her still sleep. I went into the twins room and picked up Marcus then I picked up Ariel. By them being four months old it is so much easier to pick them up. I went downstairs and put them down in the playpen. I put toys and other things down that would keep them busy. I made them both bottles and gave it to them. Every time they see me holding a bottle they start to cry because they want it. I gave Marcus his first and then gave Ariel hers. It was almost 12 so I decided to hop into the shower. I got out and changed into my clothes.

"Hey Amanda I'll be right back." I said.

"Hey where you going." She said coming up to me.

"On a mission to your dad's house." I said walking towards the door.

"And your not going to give me a goodbye kiss." She said running to me.

"I'm sorry baby." I said reaching my hands out.

She hoped into my arms and swung her legs around my waist. We kissed for a very long time. I slightly pulled away.

"As much as I want to keep doing this but I have to go." I said.

"Okay." She said.

I walked out the door and got into the car. I drove to Amanda's dad's house. I rung the doorbell and waited 5 seconds until someone came to the door.

"Cameron what are you doing here." Amanda's dad said.

"I wanted to talk to you." I said.

"Oh okay come in." He said.

I walked inside and sat on the couch.

"So what you want to talk about." He said.

"I want your permission to be able to marry your daughter." I said.

"You want to marry my daughter." He said.

"Yes I didn't want to ask her to marry me unless I had your blessing to be able to." I said.

"I don't know Cameron I mean I know that you two have kids but you already have a house together I mean don't you think you two are moving a little to fast I mean you both are 19 and your turning 20 in another month or so right." He said.

"Yea exactly that's what I mean. We have kids together and since we do I want to show Amanda that I would never leave her. I want to be there for the kids to. I am deeply in love with her." I said.

"Cameron are you sure you want to take this next step. I mean once your married you can't turn back. Once you get married you two are officially a family." He said.

"Yes sir I'm ready. Being a family Is what I want. I promise that I will never hurt your daughter." I said.

"Okay." He said.

"I should be getting back to Amanda with the twins." I said.

"Okay stop by again someday." He said.

"Okay I will." I said.

I got back into the car and drove back to the house. Amanda was on the floor with the twins playing around with them. It was so cute. The twins are so big now they can even walk. They haven't talked yet but I can wait for the day. I walked inside and sat next to Amanda on the floor I looked at Ariel. Once she saw me a smile grew in her face and she started moving her arms and legs around. Marcus did the same thing. They were in the most cutest outfit. They said on them "this is what adorable twins looks like." All the boys were in the Kitchen. Amanda was laughing at the twins. I turned to the side and looked at her. She looked so beautiful. I love her smile. Every time I see her smile I can't help but to smile. She turned and looked at me. We stared at each other for about 5 seconds until we both leaned in at the same time and out lips touched. We stopped once we heard something that we didn't expect to hear today.

"Dada." Said Ariel.

"Omg did she say dada." Said Amanda.

" I think she did." I said.

"Mama." Said Marcus.

"Yay Marcus said mama." She said.

"So Ariel said Dada, and Marcus said Mama." I said.

"I guess we have a daddy's girl and we have a mama's boy." She said.

"Yea I guess we do." I said.

I guess it was time to put them down for a nap because Amanda grabbed Ariel and rocking her. I grabbed Marcus and started rocking him. After 20 minutes they both fell asleep. We walked upstairs and put them in their cribs. We walked back downstairs.

"Hey you've been working so hard I think you should have a girls night with Skye. I can pay for you and her to get y'all nails done or either hair or either y'all can just go shopping." I said.

"Can I can't. The twins are Jere and I got to be here to take care of them." She said.

"Come on I can get my mom to watch them or maybe you can even bring your dad." I said.

"Cam...." She said until I cut her off.

"Come on I want you to have the best day. The kids are 4 months they won't be that much trouble." I said.

"Are you sure?" She said.

"I couldn't be more." I said.

"Okay." She said.

"Well go get ready and tell Skye what's happening." I said.

She quickly ran upstairs to get ready. I ran into the kitchen where the guys were.

"Hey guys I'm taking Amanda and Skye out to have a girls day. The only reason I'm doing that is because I want to go out buy the ring. You guys should come with me." I said.

"Sure well go with you but who is going to watch the twins." Nash said.

"I'm going to call my mom." I said.

"Okay then sure well go with you." Taylor said.

"Thank you." I said.

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