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Cameron's pov:

I woke up in the morning and saw that Amanda was still sleep. I got off the bed slowly so I wouldn't wake her up. I had a perfect idea that I should do for her and the baby. We should throw her a surprise baby shower. My mom and dad was downstairs watching TV and drinking coffee.

"Hey mom can you help me out with something." I said.

"Sure what's up?" She said.

"Well I want to set up a baby shower for Amanda but I just need help with decorations. I'm inviting some other people too." I said.

"Omg yes I will help. This is the best time ever. Okay so you have to distract her and get her out the house for a while so I can set everything up. I have the most perfect outfits too. This is going to be fun." My mom said.

"Okay calm down mom its okay." I said.

I texted everyone, the boys, Skye, and some of her other friends. This should be fun. Amanda woke up at 11:00. She seemed really tired but all she needs is some breakfast and she'll be fine. I walked her down the stairs. I made her some pancakes and some eggs. She ate pretty fast. For a while we sat around and watched TV until the time reached 1:00. I told Amanda I was taking her out to eat. We left and went to a restaurant. I had a private room just for us. My mom said she'll be done around 4:00. All the boys and her friends are out shopping for baby clothes now. We had a good time. We did a lot of talking. More talking than well actually do. It was great. It hit 3:55 so we decided that we should leave. We arrived back at my house at 4:07. I used my keys to get into the house.

Amanda's pov:

Once I walked into the house all the lights were off and it was really dark I could barely see anything. I saw the light came back on and people popped from different places screaming surprised. They threw me a surprised baby shower. It looked so good. There was food and sweets. I love it a lot. They had a sign up saying "it will be a girl." I turned around and looked at Cam.

"Did you do all this." I said.

"Well I thought of the idea, but my mom did the decorations." He said.

"Awwwwweeeee I love it, and I love you." I said.

He didn't say anything he just came up to me and kissed me. It was the same as the other one. It was full of love.

"That's my new way of saying I love you." He said.

I saw my dad and my friends here. The boys also came. There was a lot of pressents. I ran and gave everyone a hug. It was really fun they had music and they were having dance contests. It was perfect.

"Okay everyone listen up. You already know that my beautiful girlfriend is the mother of my child and this is her party. I think it's time to open the presents." Cam said.

Cam led me over to a chair that had presents on the table and there was some on the floor too. I opened a bad that was blue and had purple hearts on them. I looked inside and It had the cutest onesie that said "I ❤️ Dad." There was another one on the bottom that said "I'm never allowed to date ever."

"Aaaaawwwweee that is so cute. Who was the one who got this." I said.

"Me." Cam said.

"You have good taste in clothes I see." I said.

"No okay the only reason I got the second was because I know it's going to be a girl and she will not be able to date ever." He said.

"Don't you know that when she get older and moves out SHE/HE will end up dating someone." I said.

"That's why they ain't moving out." He said.

I opened the rest of the bags they had cute clothes. I saved the boxes for last. All the boxes were pretty much toys. I even got some money myself. Which I didn't need, but they said they weren't going to take it back so I might as well keep it. We had a dance party after that. I looked at one of the tables and saw a whole bunch of liquor. Why would they bring liquor here. I think Cam was drinking some because he looked woozy when he was talking to his friends.

"Ms. Dallas why is there liquor here." I said.

"Oh I didn't see those. I don't even know how they got here." She said.

"Hey who brong Liquor here." I said loudly so everyone could hear.

"I did. I though it would bring things up a bit." Sam said.

"Nooooo why. It was already perfect." I said.

I heard a thump, It sounded like something hit the ground. I looked to my side and saw Cameron on the floor. I ran up to him to see if he was okay. His eyes were closed and he seemed like he was on conscious.

"Hey hey Cam wake up." I said while slapping his face lightly a few times.

I looked over on the other side of his and saw his spilled drink.

"What is in this stuff." I said to Sam.

"It's just liquor I bought it from the store." He said.

"We should go to the hospital." Ms. Dallas said.

Nash and Taylor helped him into the car. I sat next to him in the back letting his body lay on my lap while I stroked his hair. We finally made it to the hospital he was immediately send to a room. We had to wait outside until they found put what happened to him. I was so scared. The doctor finally called us back so we could see him. His eyes were opened and he looked perfectly fine.

"Have he been drinking." The doctor said.

"Well yea it was at my baby shower today he's the father. I don't know if he had too much or either there was something in there." I said.

"He just had too much. Drinking too much Liquor can cause someone to get really woozy and pass out after a while. Otherwise he is good. All we had to do was make him throw up and he was feeling better in no time. You can leave anytime you want Cameron okay."

"Oh thank god." I said.

I quickly ran over to Cam and kissed his all over his forehead, his nose, his cheeks, his chin, and I will never forget his lips.

"Looks like someone was worried about me." He said.

"Yes I was I thought I was going to loose you." I said.

"I'll never leave you. Now can we leave I cannot stay in this hospital another minute." He said.

We got all our things and left. We all went back to Cam's house so everyone else could get there things. I was really tired so once I got to their house I crashed on the couch.

Cameron's pov:

The baby shower party was over and everyone was going home. All the boys went into the living a sat on the floor and watched TV. I noticed Amanda was sleep on the couch. She only had a cover covering her legs. She looked really cold, her shirt was up over her stomach. I guess she got bigger by the minute. I think it's time to go get some more clothes for her. I walked over to her and kissed her stomach and pulled down her shirt. I pulled the cover up so it covered her body and so her neck and face was the only thing that was showing.

"Awwwwweee look at Cam, being a baby daddy." Taylor, Nash, Hayes, Sam, Jack G, and Jack J said.

"Shut up guys. If your girl was having a baby you would probably do the same thing." I said.

I sat on the floor were the rest of the guys were. We all crashed last night at my house.


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