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Amanda's pov:

I woke up in the morning feeling like I had to throw up. I quickly ran into bathroom and threw up. I felt someone pull my hair back and rub my back. It was Cam.

"How are you holding up." He said.

"I'm feeling better. I'm sorry about last night. I'm just not feeling it so much. I don't get why people have to say those things. It really hurts me." I said.

"I know, I know. People are just saying those things because I'm famous and there jealous that your having my baby and there not." He said.

I just laughed. Cam helped me get up. I was really hungry so I went up stairs to make me some breakfast. All the boys were still sleep. I decided that I was still going to make breakfast, cause maybe they'll smell the food and wake up. I decided that I was going to wake up Hayes. Since he is the best boy out of the group.

"Hayes wake up." I whispered while shaking him a little bit.

His eyes opened a little. Then he saw me and his eyes opened wide.

"Hey I'm making breakfast. I know that soon as all the rest of the boys wake up and eat it probably wont be any left. So since I like you the most do you want to eat early before everyone else." I said.

"Yea sure." He said getting up and folding the cover.

I started making pancakes. I also made eggs, bacon, and biscuits. Cam and Hayes grabbed a plate and put their food on the plate. I grabbed my food after them. I heard the boys starting to wake up. They all started piling up in the kitchen. They all grabbed a plate and started eating. I was stuffing my face with food.

"Slow down babe before you choke." Cam said.

"Well look at me I'm pregnant. I've been so hungry for the longest. So don't judge me for feeding me and the twins." I said.

"Okay okay you don't have to be all pushy and all." Cam said.

"You know you love me." I said while kissing his cheek.

I finished eating and put my plate in the dishwasher. I went into the living room and watched TV.

"Hey guys we should go to the beach today." I said.

"Yea sure that sounds cool." Taylor said.

"We should start getting ready now." I said.

I went up stairs and got into the shower. I got out and put on my all white bikini. I grabbed a few towels and walked downstairs. My pregnant stomach was showing but I mean who cares. I saw everyone in the swim shorts. I handed everyone a towel. I put a sundress over my swimsuit. We all walked outside and got into Cams car. I got into the passenger seat. The boys got into the back. We finally arrived at the beach. Cam helped me out the car. He grabbed a basket and an large blanket that could fit all of us on it. He held my hand as we were walking to the beach so we could find a perfect spot. We finally found a perfect spot so I helped Cam spread the blanket out. He put the basket in the middle of the blanket. As soon as we sat down lots of girls started piling up around the boys. Once they all saw me they gave me death stares. I just ignored it and act like nothing happened. I got up and walked away from them. I decided that I was going to get something to drink at the juice bar. I sat down and got me an orange juice.

"Hey how you been?" Someone said.

I turned my head and saw Shawn.

"Shawn what are you doing here." I said.

"What do you think, I'm enjoying the beach. So I found out that you and Cam are now dating." He said.

"Yea were dating." I said.

"So what are you having." He said.

"What?" I said.

"Well I saw a picture on twitter of you and Cam and people were saying you were pregnant, and on the picture your stomach was poking out. Plus I see that your stomach is sticking out right now." He said while touching my stomach.

"Don't touch me." I yelled while getting up.

"Don't be like this." He said.

I started walking away, I stopped once I felt someone touch my arm. It was Shawn.

"Where do you think your going?" He said.

"Back to Cam."

"No your not." He said while squeezing my arm hard.

"Shawn let me go." I said.

"You need to come back to me." He said.

"Shawn if you don't let me go...." I said until he cut me off.

"And if I don't." He said.

Cameron's pov:

I took pictures with all the girls and then they walked away. I turned around and saw that Amanda was gone. I looked around for her. I turned and looked towards the juice bar. I saw Amanda. She was with Shawn. It seemed like he was squeezing her arm because she looked like she was in pain. I started running towards them.

Amanda's pov:

I heard Cam yell my name. I turned and saw him coming. I felt a sharp sting on my face. Shawn slapped me. Which caused me to fall on the floor. I fell exactly on my stomach.

"Oh." I hisst in pain.

I got on my side holding my stomach. I was backing up at the same time. My eyes were getting blurry. I could barely hear anything either. I saw Cam attack Shawn. I saw the rest of the boys running up trying to get Cam off of him. The last thing I saw was Hayes sitting next to me holding my hand. My eyes closed and everything went dark.


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