Round 2

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Juneau wanted to scream. She really, really wanted to scream, but the speed of her fall was so great she just couldn't.

They were all falling from the third floor.

"Ja-ah!" Was all Adaleine could manage as she tried to catch onto both Cassandra's and Juneau's outstretched hands.

"A-duh!" Cassandra's voice rumbled.

Finally, Adaleine linked the three of them together.

The fall seemed over exaggeratedly long.

Where's Junior? Juneau wondered. And Cate? And Yury... and Raylor?

Juneau looked around desperately.

Bundles of broken plaster, furniture, broken lamps, papers, fluttered both beyond and beneath her.

The walls and ceiling were gone.

This building was seven stories tall.

Juneau could tell that they were nearing ground.

They could survive the fall.

She believed it.

She needed to believe it.

She needed to believe that they would.

They finally landed with a crash.

Debris came crashing down after them piece by piece.

It was too dangerous to stay out in the open. They had to get to safe ground.

Juneau inspected herself.

She could already sense that her bottom was bruised. She removed her cell phone from her torn front pocket. It'd shattered.

Her palms were torn and bleeding from the impact. Her sleeves had been slashed, revealing the scratches and additional bruises on her arms.

The open wounds stung terribly. She loosened her hands to reduce the inevitable pain.

Her legs ached as they'd been severely bruised as well.

"Any major injuries?" Juneau asked Adaleine and Cassandra.

Cassandra shook no, but Adaleine nodded yes.

Unable to find her voice, she simply lifted her right arm with her left.

Then let go.

Her right arm fell limply.

"Adaleine," Juneau and Cassandra gasped.

"My phone's a goner. We need someone to call the ambulance, pronto," Juneau shouted.

Groans and silent cries of pain were the only responses.

It was the only thing that could be heard.

"That was not a 1.9!" Someone suddenly shouted. A piano came tumbling from the grey morning sky and immediately silenced the woman.

The piano grunted and the woman squeaked as her body then gave a loud crack.

Adaleine's eyes widened with horror as she held back a cry.

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