WhO aRe YoU?

137 4 0

^Newly introduced character

"I'll see you," Quinn bade farewell to the studious Daniel Seokjin Cheshire.

Juneau was concerned about me? Her friends, too?

Quinn continued to wonder, soon losing track of where she was.

She was still unfamiliar with the school campus, unfortunately.

She thought about calling Julie.

But then remembered.

They weren't friends.

And they no longer attended high school together.

The idea of it hurt greatly.

Quinn looked around.

She stood amidst a fresh lawn of green grass, but with the sun near the horizon, the tone showed rather darker than expected.

Despite that, it was lush, far more beautiful yet rebellious than its younger self.

But morning would come again.

And with morning would come the sun, again casting its light and then lightening the grass and granting it obedience once more.

Quinn sighed than sat.

She removed her backpack.

It didn't seem like a bad place to complete her work.

But not too far from her was a pebbled pathway.

A pathway that led to the other classrooms across the campus.

And within one of those classrooms,

someone was waiting for her.

Yet this person didn't know it; know that their conscience was in truth deeply concerned about her.


"You're leaving so soon!" Juneau pouted.

She was behaving like her normal self again.

"And I'm actually starting to really worry. All you did was show me videos of successful children, you know how bad that makes me feel about myself? I'm fourteen and so is that girl who won the Intel science fair. What have I done?"

Cassandra smirked evilly.

"Now you know how vital it is you step up your game. There's a competition coming up that's hosted by khan academy. Check it out," and with that, Cassandra left Juneau in unwelcome distress.

Juneau whined childishly.

Her stress was returning; her sense of rush, too.

And she'd just felt at rest.

Why thank you, Cassandra.

But then Juneau thought:

What about Daniel's project?

Evil thoughts began to corrupt the girl's mind.

She immediately dialed his number.


He didn't answer.

Perhaps he sensed the bad intentions resonating from deep within her aura.


Quinn packed.

It was nearing five pm.

Her parents would worry, especially after having survived the earthquake.

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